Trial Adoption Procedure - Processing the trial, Finalising and Cancelling.


Trial Adoption is used to allow people to trial the owning of an animal. There will be a set number of days that the animal can be on trial with the adoptive families.

NOTE: you can now make Products/Services available via the Trial Adoption process.

To set up standard fees for a Trial Adoption, click this link: Intake Fees Administration

To set up optional items or services to purchase via the Trial Adoption process, click this link: Products & Services and Selling Products & Services for further information. 

Processing a Trial Adoption

  1. Search for adopting person.
    • If found, skip to step 2.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender. Depending on your organization you may be required to confirm identification.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Adoptions link.
  3. On the Adoption screen, click on the Trial Adoption link. 
    • On the Animal Search page enter the Animal ID in the Go To Animal ID Click View.
  4. If more than one animal is to be trialled, click Multiple Trial Adoption instead.
    • Enter the number of animals to be trialled and click Get Animal IDs
    • Enter the Animal ID numbers in the text boxes that appear.
    • Click Next Page
    • Follow the steps below for each animal
  5. The status will automatically be amended to Trial Adoption
    • Start Date: this is the date the trial adoption is to commence. It will default to the current date and time but can be manually amended as required. This is also the date and time that will be assigned to the Trial Adoption status.
    • End Date: enter the date the trial is to end. On this date, the animal must be either returned to the shelter or permanently adopted. 
  6. Edit Existing Credit Card Details link will display. This information may or may not be mandatory depending on local settings. Click the link to enter the following information:
    • Credit Card: enter the type of credit card, if applicable.
    • Card Number: enter the credit card number, if applicable.
    • CCV No: enter the verification number on the back of the credit card, if applicable.
    • Expiry Date: enter the expiration date on the credit card, if applicable.
    • Card Name: enter the person’s name that is printed on the card, if applicable.
    • Click Update to close the pop-up
  7. If there are fees set up or products/services available to purchase via this process, the Product & Services confirmation page will display. 
    • If there is one set fee and no other items available, this fee will be automatically added and the page will go directly to the Receipt page. 
    • If there are multiple fees available to choose from, or if there are additional items or services that can be purchased use the Product & Services page to add the items to the receipt. See Selling Products & Services for more information. 
    • Once all the items are added and correct, click Continue to Receipt
  8. The receipt editing page will display. If a deposit is taken, enter the payment information here and update all mandatory fields.
    • If your site is set for digital signatures, have the client sign now.
    • click Update or Update and Print to finish. 
    • If your site is not set for digital signatures, print two copies of the receipt, and have the trial adopter sign your copy.
  9. You may wish to email the receipt from the Animal Details page once it has finished loading. 

Note: Report 244 Expired Trial Adoptions will locate any Trial Adoptions due to expire within the date bracket selected.

Note: Animals with the status Trial Adoption will continue to count as in care until the trial is finalised and the status amended to the relevant Adopted status.  


Finalising a Trial Adoption

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This procedure assumes that the adopter and the animal are both in the Shelter Buddy system. 

  1. Search for adopting person.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Adoptions link
  3. On the Adoption screen, click on the Finalize Trial Adoption link.
  4. A row will display for each animal currently on Trial Adoption with this person. Click Finalise on the right-hand end next to the relevant animal's details
  5. The Adoption Processing page will display.
  6. Complete the following:
    • Alternate Contact: Enter Alternate Contact information if none are present.
    • Animal Name: update the animal name if required.
    • License / RegistrationLicense / Registration information may need to be entered depending on local settings.
    • Sponsorship QuestionsSponsorship Questions may need to be entered depending on local settings. 
    • Adoption Counsellor: You may need to enter the adoption counsellor depending on local settings. Type all or part of the person's name into the text box and click Find to locate them from the Adoption Counsellor list.
    • Adoption Fees: If not already entered on the Animal Details page (minus any deposit amount) select an option from the drop-down.
    • Status: click on the down arrow to select the relevant version of the  Adopted status according to your local protocols.
    • Sub-Status: click on the down arrow to select a sub-status if required. 
    • Enter any animal identification details required e.g. organisation ID tags or microchip information.
    • Click Finalise Adoption
  7. The Add Receipt page will display.
    • Payment Method: Click on the down arrow to select the method of payment. EX: credit card, check, cash, etc.
    • Complete applicable fields based on the payment method.
    • Ensure there is a designated allocation selected.
    • If your site is set for digital signatures, have the client sign now.
      click Update or Update and Print to finish.
    • If your site is not set for digital signatures, print two copies of the receipt, and have the trial adopter sign your copy.
    • You may wish to email the receipt from the Animal Details page once it has finished loading.

Cancelling a Trial Adoption (Returning the Animal to care)

Trial Adoption is used to allow people to trial the owning of an animal.  This is the process that is to be done in the system if the possible adoptive client has decided against the complete adoption and is returning the animal to the shelter.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This procedure assumes that the trial adopter and the animal are both in the Shelter Buddy system.

  1. Search for the person returning the animal.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Adoptions link.
  3. On the Adoption screen, click on the Finalize Trial Adoption
  4. On the Finalize Trial Adoptions page click on the Cancel Trial Adoption link on the far right next to the correct animal. A Success message will display. This removes the animal from the trial adoption listing on this person’s record and changes the animals status back to Available for Adoption.
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