Put Animal on Hold


This link appears in the right hand Animal Menu and serves the function of being able to place an animal on hold for a limited time. This function is designed to capture the start and end date for the hold, and any pertinent information all in one location. It also has a function to release the hold.

After a hold has been applied and updated, a banner will appear at the top of the Animal Details Page notifying users of the details of the hold until such time as the hold expires or the interest is removed.

For information on how to set up the relevant drop-downs for this task, click here

Place an Animal on Hold:

  1. From the Welcome / Search Page, find the Animal file in question.
  2. Locate the Animal Menu on the top right hand of the page and find the link Put Animal on Hold (#) within the list and click on it.
  3. Within the pop up enter the following information:
    • Start of Hold: This date field will default to the current date to commence the hold, but can be manually amended if required by clicking on the calendar icon next to it.
    • End of Hold: This date field is optional, but allows users to mark that the hold has a specific expiry date, after which it is no longer valid.
    • Held by: This is a drop down list of users of your site where you can select who it was who applied the hold. It is an auto-complete list, so begin typing to find the person placing the hold. 
    • Held for Person ID: This will link information from a Person record to the hold (remembering a "Person" may not necessarily be an individual in this context). You can either enter the Person ID number if known and it will suggest a match, OR click the Open Person Search button to search for a person's details. 
      • Person information is NOT mandatory, you may proceed without entering anything here.  
      • Once linked, the field will show the Person ID number, Person Name, Email, and Phone Number. 
      • Once linked, a new option to Update + Receipt will be offered at the bottom of the page. 
    • Hold Reason: Select an applicable reason from the drop down list.
    • Animal Status: this will show you the Status and Sub-Status currently assigned to this animal.
      • If this information is NOT to change, skip to the next step. 
      • If you would like to change the status, make a selection from the drop-down now. You may also add a sub-status here if you wish. 
    • Notes: this small free text field is provided in case there is a need to add brief notes relevant to this particular hold.
    • Save: Click the Save/Update button or Update + Receipt to apply the hold and finish. 
      • A green Success! banner will appear at the top of the page if the hold has saved correctly, or issues will be highlighted in red.
      • Alternately, if you selected to go to a receipt, you will be taken to a  receipt page. Finalise the receipt to be taken to a printable form.  (See Set Up)
    • Click the Animal breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to the Animal Details page. 
  4. The Animal Details page will now display a yellow banner across the top announcing the animal is on hold, the Reason for the hold and when the hold is set to expire*.
  5. The banner will fade after a couple of seconds, but you can request that it remain open while you are on the Animal Details page:
    • NB it will not appear on linked animal pages e.g. Medical Details or Behaviour Assessment, but it will remain visible continuously on the Animal Details page if you elect this option to be turned on. Please notify support@shelterbuddy.com if you would like this to be turned on for you.
  6. You can repeat this process as often as required, and the yellow banner will list information for each hold in the order of expiry.
  7. With each new hold applied, the Put Animal on Hold (0) link will increase the number displayed in the bracket at the end thus:  Put Animal on Hold (1)
  8. * Holds applied in this manner do not automatically release once the expiry date has been exceeded. The expiry date is just a means to communicate that the circumstances relating to the hold had a definitive end date to them.

To Edit orRelease a Hold:

  1. Click on the digit within the brackets at the end of the Put Animal on Hold (1) link to deploy the Hold History popup.
  2. Find the hold you wish to release by checking the Date of Hold, Hold Reason, Held By, and Notes fields that display here.
  3. At the end of each row of information will be a button Actions.
  4. Click the button to see options.
  5. Edit Hold allows you to amend dates, notes etc. from the original hold information applied. NB amendments made after the hold is applied are not tracked by history fields.
  6. Release Hold displays a slightly different pop up. It has all the same information as above, but it also has three new fields:
      • Release Reason: This is a drop down of reasons why a hold might be released as loaded in Step 2.
      • Release Date: This calendar field marks the date the hold was released. It defaults to the current date but can be amended if required.
      • Released by: This drop down box is populated by all users on your site. It defaults to the current user’s login, but it can be amended if they are releasing it on behalf of a colleague or management.
  7. Click Release hold to finalise and save your changes. Once saved, the pop up box will close and when refreshed or reloaded, the Animal Details page will no longer show a yellow banner unless other holds are still active. Should that be the case, the hold that has been released will no longer be displayed among them, but will still be visible in history.
  8. Released holds will still be visible in the history link for Put Animal on Hold (1), and it will still be counted within the bracketed number indicator for the history. 
  9. This method of applying a hold does not interfere with the animal’s processing nor will it alert users at the time of adoption that a hold is in place.

To Undo a Hold

This procedure is to be used (e.g.) when a hold was incorrectly applied to an animal or applied to the wrong animal. 

Undoing a hold will: 

  • Delete the hold
  • Remove the receipt (if one was created/if you want it to)
  • Record who undid the hold. 

To Undo a Hold, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the digit within the brackets at the end of the Put Animal on Hold (1) link to deploy the Hold History popup.
  2. Find the hold you wish to release by checking the Date of Hold, Hold Reason, Held By, and Notes fields that display here.
  3. At the end of each row of information will be a button Actions.
  4. Click the button to see options
  5. Click to select Undo Hold
  6. You will see a notification of what happens if you undo the Hold. The following will happen:
    1. This hold will be deleted
    2. The status and sub-status history will remain unchanged
    3. The yellow "Hold" banner will be removed from this record if no other current holds for it exist. 
  7. Beneath this is a drop-down labelled Would you like to delete the receipt as well?  This will default to Yes, meaning the receipt will be deleted. If that is fine, leave as is. 
    1. If you wish to keep the receipt, change the selection to No before proceeding. 
  8. Click Undo 
  9. You will return to the Hold page but the hold you undid will no longer be there. Click the cross in the top right corner to close. 



Report 728 Put Animal On Hold Report (Reports > Shelter Reports) is dedicated to this process. It shows details on animals that have been held using the Put Animal on Hold feature, including choices for date range (e.g. anything currently on hold, start dates, scheduled end dates, outgoing dates etc), Region, Animal Type, Status Types (in care, outgoing, information, all, and/or select individual statuses from list), Grouping options and a variety of fields to display. 

Report 174 Holds by Region (Reports > Shelter Reports) counts the number of holds per animal during a given time frame using the region linked to the animal's status history at the time the hold was placed, using the date of the hold for the date range. 

The report can be exported to pdf, word, csv and excel. 

For more information on what the report does, click the What does this report do? link on the report criteria page. 

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