Add Multiple Animals for Identification and Services


Currently, there is no dedicated multiple animal feature for Identification and Services, although this is a long-term plan.

In the short term, this method will allow you to more easily add multiples for Identification & Services. 

1. Make note of how many animals are to be created and list any products and services that are to be linked to this process in entirety. 

2. Enter the first animal as normal. Click Update Details. 

3. The Products & Services page will load. Add the total number of items for all animals as required and update to proceed to a receipt page. Make note of the receipt number. If you are using digital signatures for this module, apply the "sign later" option. 

4. Return to the Animal Details page. In the Animal Menu on the right, click the link Add Multiple Animals

5. The multiple detail page will load. Enter the number of animals you need to add (remember you've already added one) and change any details or click "create". 

6. A pop-up will load that has a link to Identification Services / event receipt at the top and a list of AID numbers.

7. Click the AID numbers to amend any animal details as required. 

9. Once all animals are updated, click the Identification Services / event receipt link at the top of the pop-up. If you have already completed a receipt, you'll see an option to update the same receipt. Click that link if the additional animals are to be on the same receipt, otherwise, a new receipt page will load. 

10. If you had to update an existing receipt, you may need to add the second animal to it: go into Administration > Receipt Administration > Link Animal to Receipt to add any additional animals to the same receipt. You will need to update the receipt once more to load them. At this time, it is safe for a client to sign digitally if required.

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