Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.39 - 31-March-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.39
New Feature
Add the option to show the kennel number on report 5, "General Animal Notes Report"

RSPCA WA - Possible issue viewing dispatch history

Vet Signatures from Rabies shows on other vet treatments

Fix Taskrunner, so it works asynchronously

Appointment times appearing an hour later?

US East RDS performance issue

Fix edit tax type not loading when glcode is null

Cannot create products from vet treatments

Undo Adoption Error

Remove TagYear from SB tblAnimal and and Public tblAnimal

Deprecate race and otherRace on tblPerson

Petsync isn't sending errors to rollbar

Update Support Page information and Knowledge Base link

- QUICK WIN - QR Codes for MedBuddy on Fairfield County Ohio

Strange things happening with Age fields on AWL Q

Animal Allies: Final Data Migration

Test Today New Site Cut

BC SPCA: Password Reset for all Active Users on April 2 (NA time)

Customise Kennel Card for Lexington Humane Society - QUICK WIN

Migrate ShelterLuv Due Treatments

Migrate ShelerLuv Due Spay/Neuter

Merge animal feature to copy old database number

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