Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.40 - 16-April-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.40
Dispatch Keyword search

Create warning for users if information is missing on Public records

Physical Exam/Medical History not displaying correctly

Animals removed from New Hope list during SB upgrade

Old Rabies Certificate showing after license renewal

Fix BackgroundTasks.WindowsService not logging to Seq

System.InvalidOperationException: The provided payment history id has not been linked to a ShelterBuddy donation receipt

Report 646 "sub-status of the day" doesn't show.

API returning two different responses at the same time


Company/Commercial Receipts omit Address

Remove Mandatory Animal Field for ARL of IOWA

Lost Dogs Home: Add new column to Report 740

migrating boarding animal needs from shelterbuddyweb to main.web.ui

Change GlobalErrorHandler to not show error page when extension causes error

Add current Weight to Kennel Card for Bendigo

Migrate boarding main page from shelterbuddy web to main.web.ui

change deprecated race column not null

Create Mandatory Field Setting for Joybound

Task Runner changes causing too much dbload

Customise Kennel Card for Winnipeg: QUICK WIN


Add ability to show Completed Tasks on report 75 "Animal Task Report"

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