What do I need to do to get Google Mapping on my site?


Shelter Buddy has an option to link addressing fields to Google Maps in order to minimise addressing mistakes. 

For information on how this works, see this info document: Using Google Mapping

Fees for this feature are $1,835.00 plus GST set up as a once-off setup cost. Ongoing costs are between google and the customer-based on page views

However, there are also fees incurred from Google themselves for using their maps. Sites must negotiate directly with Google for these fees and the license because as a "for-profit" company, Shelter Buddy has very little bargaining power but Google may be more open to offering discounted rates when dealing with non-profit organisations, so clients will likely get a much better rate if they negotiate with them directly.

So what do you need to do?


Sites wanting to upgrade to Google Maps will need to contact Google direct or their distributor for the actual map licensing, the license you need is "Google Maps Javascript API" and it must be the Premium option of this license. Additional fees from Google will apply. We can't advise on what the fees are as they aren't posted online - we expect Google negotiates fees. 

This article should help: Google Maps API Grant

Contact Shelter Buddy when this license has been obtained and we will be able to implement the link-up from then. 


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