Animal Task List - Task Administration


This page will take you through how to set up your Task Administration options and how to maintain them once set. 


Task - a task is a job to be scheduled and performed for a specific animal. 

Task Tags - a task tag is used to define what type of task it is, and who is eligible to perform the task. For example, you may need to have specific training or qualifications to perform a function. Task Tags can also help you group tasks for easy navigation if you'd like to view only those tasks relevant to your department/section/speciality/expertise. 

Task Cleanup - This is now a background task performed automatically! It will clear any task for animals not in care after the task has been unfinalised for 7 days or more. (After release 4.27)

Location - in this context refers exclusively to Physical Location (aka Region), not to Shelter Location. In this feature, fields related to Physical Location are variously labelled at the time this document was created, however, this irregularity has been noted and will be corrected in the near future. For now, Physical Location may be variously described by any of these terms:

  • Physical Location
  • Location
  • Region

Only users with Administrative access can process this function.

  1. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Locate and click on the Task Administration link
  3. On the Task Administration dashboard, you will see two options: 2018-06-07_15-29-36.jpg
  4. Click on the option Tasks
  5. Click on the button +Create
  6. Complete the following: 
    • Name: In this free text field, type the name of the task (e.g. Grooming). 
      • The button at the end of the box marked Abc controls the capitalisation or otherwise of text within the Name box. By default, it will apply normal sentence case. 
      • Click the Abc box to change it to lower case (abc) in order to add your own sentence structure (e.g. irregular capitals such as "FeLV Test")
      • Click it once more to change it to uppercase (ABC) which will automatically make everything within the box uppercase. 
      • Click it again and it will return to normal sentence case. 
    • Tags: When entering a new Task, this drop-down will be empty at first.  Click the link for instructions on adding Task Tags via Task Administration. Alternately, follow these steps:
      • To add your very first tag, place your cursor in the text box beneath the drop-down and type in the name of the Tag. The box will default to sentence case, but it also has an Abc button that operates the same way as the one on the Name box. 
      • Current Tags: You may add multiple tags: when you have selected from the drop-down or added one to the text box, simply press the Enter key to add them to the Current Tags list. Repeat until all required tags appear here. 
      • To remove a tag, simply click on the at the end of it and it will disappear from the list.
  7. When finished, click the button Save and Add Regions: a task must be linked to a region or it will not show when you are attempting to set it for animals later. 2017-10-05_15-21-04.jpg
  8. Don't apply the Save button in the first instance: this is used for making changes later. 
  9. The Edit Locations page will load.
  10. At the top is a summary of the information you have just added: the Name of the Task and any Tags associated with it. This is simply so you can confirm you are adding locations for the correct Task. 
  11. Locate the button +Add Locations and click2017-10-05_15-36-56.jpg
  12. A modal will appear offering you a list of all possible Physical Locations (Regions). Click all that apply: 2017-10-05_15-38-26.jpg
    • Use the scroll bars to move up and down or side-to-side to see more details.
  13. Once all options have been selected, click the Add button. The modal will close and you will now see all of the locations you selected listed alphabetically. 
  14. Click the Delete button at the end of any Location row to remove that Location from the list 2017-10-05_15-57-28.jpg
  15. If there are numerous regions, you will be able to page through them using the page numbers shown in the screenshot above, at the bottom right beneath the Manage / Delete buttons. 
  16. Once your Locations list is correct, you can set up defaults, such as pre-requisite tasks (must be at least one other task added first) and default recurrence for a task (e.g. if the task would always be performed the same way, for the same number of times every time it is assigned to a new animal for that region). 
  17. From the Edit Locations above, find the Location in the list where you would like to set up a default recurrence for this task. 
  18. Click the Manage button seen at the far right end of the row in question. 
  19. The current Task and Location will appear at the top in greyed out boxes. These are for reference only, you can't alter them. 
  20. Default pre-requisite task: If a different task must be completed before this one can be performed, you can link them here.
    • Place your cursor in the box and type at least two characters and the box will auto-find options for you. Select from the list it offers by clicking on the item you'd like to choose. *The pre-requisite task must exist in the list before you can take this step. 
    • You can add as many tags as you need to. Select and press enter and each assigned tag will appear beneath the text box. Repeat as often as required. 
  21. Products: you can link a product to a task here, so when the task is completed it will add this item to the animal's Sell Products & Services link, in a similar manner to the way Vet Treatments does this.
    • To add a product, place your cursor in the box and type at least two characters and the box will auto-find options for you. Select from the list it offers by clicking on the item you'd like to choose.
    • You will see a tick box just below the Products box marked Charge to customer? If this box is ticked, the product added to the Animal's file will automatically be flagged to charge to the customer, and will, therefore, appear on the next receipt linked to that animal. 
      • If you do not tick the box, the product will still be added to the animal's file, but it will not be flagged to charge to the customer, so will remain for purely cost-tracking reasons. 
  22. Default Recurrence: it may be applicable for a task that is always repeated the same number of times, in the same space of time. This setting means you can set this up so whenever this task is applied to an animal, it will automatically assume this task will recur as set up within these parameters. 
    • Tick the Default Recurrence box. This will activate subsequent options.
    • Repeat Every: Type a whole number into the text box (e.g. 1, 2, 14 etc.), then select from the drop down an option such as Days, Weeks, Month, Year. This will determine how often the task is to be repeated, and how the tasks are to be spaced. 
    • End After: Tick this option to activate a text box to nominate if the recurrence of the task should end after it has been performed a set number of times. For example, it might be routine to repeat a medicated bath once a week, but only for 6 weeks, so after 6 recurrences of this task, the recurrence would be discontinued. 
  23. Click Save to complete and return to the Edit Location list. 
  24. Repeat for any other additional Physical Location this Task is available for and when finished, use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to return to Task Administration
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