Animal Task List - Task Tags Administration


Task Tags: This admin feature can be used to manage your task tags, including adding new ones. 

Tags can be used to identify pre-requisites that must be completed before a task should be assigned for an animal, or to help identify sections, groups or skill-sets required to perform the task. 

Only users with Administrative access can process this function.

  1. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Locate and click on the Task Administration link
  3. Click the Task Tags option in the Task Administration menu. 
  4. At the top of the page on the left is an inactive box labelled Tag TypeCurrently, only one Tag Type is allowed (Task) which is why the box is not active. However, this allows for future expansion of the module if required.
    • Tag Name: this search box helps you easily locate tags once they've been created. It is an auto-complete field, so type the first few letters of the tag you want to target and select from the list it will offer you by clicking on the desired option.
    • Show Deleted Records: Tick this box if you would like to show tags that have been deleted. This will give you a button option to "Undelete"
    • Click the Search button to apply the above filters and search. 
    • All relevant tags will display.
  5. From the list of existing tags, click the Edit button at the end of the row to make changes to an existing tag, and use the Save and Cancel button options to either save your changes or return to the Tags main page. 
  6. Click the Delete button at end of the row to delete a tag. NB, they can be undeleted because they are merely hidden, not lost entirely. 
  7. Click the Create button seen on the right of screen to create a new tag. This button is situated just above the Edit/Delete buttons. 
  8. On the resulting screen, type the name of your new tag into the relevant text box and click Save to add your new tag and return to the main page. 
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