How do I undo an Intake?


We are frequently asked how to undo an intake, but unfortunately, at this time, there is no specific process to undo it, except in the case of OWNER SURRENDER

For intakes other than Owner Surrender, the only option we can offer currently is to remove the intake source and status via Administration > Maintain Source History for an Animal and Maintain Status History for an Animal. You can remove receipts via the Receipts link in the orange left-hand menu. 

Be advised, this will not remove changes to Owner History: currently, these links can only be undone by developers and is usually given a low priority so if requested, it may be some time before they can fit it in around more important work. 

NOTE: These animals may show up as "in care" if you search for animals via the Main Search page or the Advanced Animals Search page using a Physical Location but no status or search group. However, because these files will still report correctly on all reports (including 226 In Care Inventory and all other inventory reports) and the search pages were never intended as an inventory shortcut, this issue has been given an ultra-low priority. 

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