Admin - Maintain Status History for an Animal


This section allows an animal records status history to be altered. This function is useful if an animal was erroneously updated with an exit status, or to correct source/status imbalances.  

Only users with administrative access can process this function.


To Edit a status:

  1. Obtain the Animal ID.
  2. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the Maintain Status History For Animal link.
  4. Animal ID:  enter the ID of the animal record to be altered.
  5. Click View Status History.
  6. Edit:  click on the applicable edit link for the status that is to be changed.
  7. New Status:  click on the down arrow to select the new status.
  8. New Animal Type:  click on the Change link to toggle between Baby and Adult animal types (e.g. Puppy to Dog)
  9. Date of Status:  click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the status is to have taken effect. The Time Stamp can be amended here also. 
  10. Physical Location:  click on the down arrow to change the animal’s physical location at the time, if applicable
  11. Change Animal’s Current Status:  place a check mark in the box if this is to be the animal record’s current status.
  12. Click Edit Status History.

The screen will refresh and display the new status history.

Tip: The page will only accept your change if the date/time of the status is not earlier than that of the Source it is linked to. At the bottom of the Edit Status page is a drop down where the currently linked Source information can be viewed. If for any reason the status being edited needs to be linked to a different source, it can be done via this drop down.

Note: The page will not accept a change to an incompatible status/source combination; e.g. if you attempt to change an Information status linked to an Information Source to an In Care status. 


To Delete a status:

Note: This will remove a status from an animal's history completely. Caution should be used lest you inadvertently create a source/status imbalance. 

Note: There are some statuses linked to a process that you can not and should not delete using this method. Those statuses include:

  • Internal Transfer statuses
  • Adopted statuses
  • Reclaim/Redemption statuses 
  • Foster statuses
  • External Transfer statuses
  • Statuses linked to a Return

To Delete these statuses, you need to find the relevant Undo function in the Administration menu. 

  1. Obtain the Animal ID.
  2. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the Maintain Status History For Animal link.
  4. Animal ID:  enter the ID of the animal record to be altered.
  5. Click View Status History.
  6. Delete:  click on the applicable delete link for the status that is to be removed.
  7. Click Yes.


Unless the selected status cannot be deleted for any reason, the screen will refresh and display the status history minus the status that was removed.


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