Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.49 - 20-Aug-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.49


These issues have all been corrected: 

HTTP Request Error

Bulk import broken 

Address of Interest not saving on Multco

Status "Release to Agency" not performing as expected.

Asilomar miscalculating again

Error with animals not existing for kennel card

RSPCA Qld unable to merge PID 568193 and PID 373528

Report 372 License Certificates timing out when exported to Excel

Unhandled exception processing "POST" for

Application key '"puppy age"' could not convert '""' to its type


Update 197 to show L/F Address entered closest to relevant source date

Update Your Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora SSL/TLS Certificates August 2024

Deprecate hold interested party feature

SOC2: Enable RDS Encryption at Rest

Kennel Card Customisation - Lincoln County

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