There are two ways a donation receipt can be added to a person’s record.
- Search for the person in the database.
- If the correct persons Edit Person Details page displays in the Person Menu click on the Add Receipt link.
- If not found, Create a New Person record, adding as much information as is available. Ask if they would like to be on our mailing list. If yes, check the Donor box toward the bottom of the screen. Click Update Details.
- On the Edit Person Details page in the Person Menu click on the Add Receipt link.
- Click on the Receipts link in the orange menu on the Welcome page.
- Click on the Add Receipt to Person link.
- Enter the person’s details on the person search page.
- The Personal Details page will display. If this is the correct person click Next.
The Add Receipt page will display.
- Payment Method: Click on the down arrow to select the method of payment. EX: credit card, check, cash, etc.
- Enter the cash amount donated.
- Complete applicable fields based on the payment method.
- In the box next to Allocation 1, enter the amount of the cash donation. Press TAB, and note that the Unallocated amount changes to zero.
- If the Cost Centre does not auto default in the Allocation field you will need to click on the applicable Allocation link to locate the appropriate Cost Centre and GL Code to apply the donation to.
- In the Notes area, type any additional information, if applicable. EX: In-Kind donations: Two 20 pound bags of Science Diet Adult Canine.
- Click Update and Print.
Print copies as required and ensure the client gets a copy.