Agency Incoming Animal - Multiple Existing Intake


This process assumes that multiple animals are known to have existing files prior to intake. 

This process is frequently used when a site knows about a number of animals that will be entering their care shortly and want to prepare for it, but the animals cannot be marked as in care prior to arrival so were created as Identification & Services files. It may also be used in any other case where it is known that bulk animals arriving from an Agency or Shelter/Rescue have existing files for any other reason. 

A list of the existing Animal ID numbers should be prepared prior to attempting this process.

If the animals were created using Identification & Services for a particular intake event, you can use report 671 "Identification Type & Services Report - Detail" to pull a list of these numbers by targeting the date range the files were pre-entered and the "Identification type" tag used to mark them (e.g. Pre-surrender, Pre-Transfer etc)

  1. On the WelcomeGo To Agency: click on the down arrow to select the appropriate agency.
  2. Click to will bring up the Edit Person Details page that has been set up for the agency. 
  3. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and then click on the Agency Incoming* link in the Personal Categories
    • * This field may be alternately labelled depending on your local settings, e.g. Council Incoming
  4. On the Agency Incoming page click on the Enter Multiple Existing Incoming Agency Animals
  5. On the resulting page enter the number of existing files that need to be added and click Get Animal IDs
  6. A list of text boxes will appear to match the number you entered: e.g. if you entered "4", then four text boxes will now be visible.
  7. Enter the Animal ID for each pet to be processed into a unique box (one Animal ID number per box) and click Create Popup.
  8. The Animal Details page for the first pet in the list will load, and a popup box containing a list of all the Animal ID numbers to be updated will also appear
  9. Complete the following (All Yellow fields are mandatory and may or may not be listed below):

Identification Details

  1. Source: This will default to Agency/Council. If this is incorrect, click the down arrow to select a compatible source. If this IS correct, skip this step. 
  2. Status: click on the down arrow to select the appropriate status for the animal.  
    • If the animal has any Identification on it should be filled in at this time if it hasn't been done already. This information is contained in the Identification Area on the system. The status should be ID Trace in this case.
    • Some Animal Control Officers will also use a report number and this should be put in the ACO Record #
    • There is an area for the confirmation of Microchip numbers as to their existence in the animal or not under Identification Confirmation details. This is the light blue area just under the Identification area on the system
    • Other ID (e.g. tattoos): this field can be used to record a-typical identifying details that may be useful when searching for matches; e.g. breeder tattoos, livestock tag numbers, domestic bird leg bands, vet tags etc. 

Animals Details

  1. Most of this information should already be present. Check the information to ensure it is correct and update anything that requires it. 
  2. Circumstance: This field is mandatory and will need to be entered now. Click on the down arrow and select either Agency, Stray (With ID) or Stray (No ID).
  3. Distinguishing Features: This field is VERY important! If this has not already been done, record any patterns on the animal, missing appendages, any scars, tattoos, pregnant, on heat, any injuries, shaved patches etc.  Having no distinguishing features is a feature in itself to indicate this if that is the case.  This field makes the animal an individual.

Status Details

  1. Due Out In (days): If the date that defaults in the Due Date Out field is incorrect, enter the correct number of days the animal is to be on their stray hold in this field to change it.
  2. Due Date Out: Use the Due Out In (days) field to add or override a date.
  3. Date In/Found: Today’s date will default. Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date if this is incorrect.  This is the date the animal was found by the finder.
  4. Lost/Found Address or Location: Enter the street address where the animal was found.  If there is not an exact address, enter a description.  EX: “South side of Lincoln Park near the swings” or “near the cross streets of Main Street and Park Avenue”.
  5. City: Type the first one to four letters of the city name then press TAB or click on FIND CITY.  This will display a pop-up menu that will display ALL cities within the selected state beginning with and containing the one to four letters in the order typed.  (*Note:  Some cities will show multiple times.  Select the one that displays the appropriate state and zip code to the right.)  Click on the appropriate city to select it.
  6. Post /Zip Code: This will default once you have selected the city.  If this zip code is incorrect, go back to the City: field, search and select the correct city that displays the correct zip code.
  7. Jurisdiction / Shire: Click on the down arrow and select the correct jurisdiction if this does not default.
  8. Shelter Location: Click on the down arrow to select the appropriate location the animal will be placed in within your shelter.
    • If known, click on the down arrow and select the kennel number of the kennel the animal will be placed in. If not known, this can be done after the animal has been placed.
  9. Date In Shelter: This is the date the animal was actually brought into the shelter.  Today’s date will default.  Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date if this is incorrect
  10. Click Add Details.
  11. The page will refresh.
  12. Click the next Animal ID number from the popup box and repeat the above until all files are updated. A green tick will appear against each updated file on the popup to help you keep track of which files have been updated. 
  13. Once this has been done a receipt link will appear in the popup box Enter 1 Receipt/Form For All Animals. Click this link to load the receipt page
  14. The Add Receipt page will display.
  15. Payment Method: Click on the down arrow to select Free of Charge. *Generally there is not a fee for admitting strays; however, this may differ at different shelters.  This page is displayed so that donations can be entered if needed.
  16. If your site is enabled for digital signatures, have the client sign now. 
  17. Click Update + Print.
  18. If your site is not enabled for digital signatures, print two copies of the receipt, and have the client sign your copy.
  19. If your site is enabled for digital signatures and emailing receipts, return to the Animal Details Page to email directly once the PDF has generated.

Don’t forget to:

  • Take and upload a photo of each animal.
  • Enter vaccinations, tests and treatments if administered at the time of intake.
  • Print out Kennel Cards - there is a link at the top of the popup to bulk-print all kennel cards for this intake
  • Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details
  • Assign a kennel number to each animal once they have been placed, if it has not already been done.
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