

In order to give sites more control over the information recorded through statuses, and to allow for local processes that may not translate to other sites, users can set up Sub-Statuses. These can be used in conjunction with regular statuses to communicate more information about an animal’s progression than a regular status can impart alone.


The Status should mark the animal's journey through the shelter. These cannot be customised or added to. 

The Sub-Status can mark short or long term events, and can be as custom to your site as you need them to be. They will work with any status. 


To create a New Sub-Status:

 You must have access to the Administration menu to perform this function.

  1. Go to the Administration link in the left hand Orange menu.
  2. Find the link Edit Drop Down Lists and look for the heading Sub-Status. Click the Maintain link next to it.
  3. On the following page, click the button Add New Sub-Status
    1. Give your new sub-status a name of up to 50 characters including spaces.
    2. Select from the Statuses box which regular statuses this sub-status should display for by clicking into the box next to each applicable status
    3. When all statuses have been selected, click Save to create your sub-status.
  4. Your new sub-status will now appear in the sub-status list, with each selected status displayed against it and a Yes/No indicator to show if it is currently active or not.

To Edit or Change a Sub-Status:

  1. Go to the Administration link in the left hand Orange menu.
  2. Find the link Edit Drop Down Lists and look for the heading Sub-Status. Click the Maintain link next to it.
  3. On the following page, find the heading for the sub-status you would like to edit and click on it. This will open an edit page.
  4. From here, you can rename the sub-status, amend the selection of main statuses it’s linked to, and flag it active or inactive.

Using Sub-Statuses:

  1. From the Welcome / Search Page, enter an Animal ID number, Shelter Tag number or other searchable fields to find an animal’s page.
  2. Beneath the status file, you will see a link marked Edit Sub-Status. Click the link to open a dialogue to add sub-statuses. 2019-05-08_8-17-31.jpg
  3.  Click the +Add button to add new statuses or the red trashcan to remove them. 
    • The date and time stamp will auto-allocate to the current date and time.
    • You can lock the sub-status by clicking the box in the column marked Locked? NB: locking a sub-status means that if the main status changes and the sub-status is also available to the new status, the sub-status will not be cleared but will remain linked to the new status also. 
    • If you need to backdate the sub-status date, you may do so, but if you enter a date or time that is before the existing main status date, or the source date, and then click “update” you will receive a pop up validation error message to alert you to the issue and asking you to try again. Your changes will not be saved in this case.
    • Click Confirm to add the statuses. 
  4. Update the page to save the statuses. 2019-05-08_8-25-35.jpg
  5. Just as with normal statuses, you can apply additional sub-statuses after the first one to indicate progression through in-house processes (e.g. Vet Checks > Behaviour Assessment > Spay Neuter surgery). To do this, click the Edit Sub-status link beneath the sub-status to re-open the dialogue box and make your changes. 
  6. To view the sub-status in history, click on the (H) history link next to the main Status drop down. 2019-05-08_8-28-17.jpg
    • In the resulting pop-up, click on the > arrow to expand the sub-status information and view any sub-status history linked to that status.2019-05-08_8-29-08.jpg
    • A Green sub-status row indicate the sub-status is current. Sub-statuses that are historical only will appear in black
    • If there is no > arrow visible, this indicates that no sub-status was been assigned to that status.
  7. When the main status is changed, the sub-status will automatically clear, unless the sub-status has been locked and is available to the new main status. 

Editing Sub-Statuses: 

If you need to amend or alter sub-statuses that appear historically, this can now be done via the following process: 

  1. Go into Admin > Maintain Status History for Animal and search for the Animal ID in question. 
  2. You will now see options to either Edit or Delete each sub-status stored in history: 2019-05-08_8-33-50.jpg
  3. Click Edit to make a change to the Sub-status selected or the date/time assigned to it. Click Edit Status History to confirm and save your changes. 
  4. Click Delete to remove the status entirely. You will be asked to confirm you wish to do this action: click ok to confirm. 
  5. Note: you cannot alter the order in which the sub-status appear or whether or not they are currently selected - you may only change the sub-status, it's assigned date and time. 

Searching for Sub-Statuses via the Search Page:

  1. From the Welcome / Search Page, click the link for the Advanced Animal Search.
  2. Select your main status. You must select a main status that has sub-statuses linked for the sub-status search drop down to activate.
  3. Scroll down to find the Sub-Status listed just under the main Status box.
  4. Select any other search criteria required
  5. Click Search.

Reporting on Sub-Statuses:

Reporting on sub-statuses is currently available via the following reports:

  • In Care Inventory (226)
  • Animal Status report (612)
  • Outgoing Detail List Report (198)
  • Shelter Statistics - Outgoing (10)
  • Adopted List Report (196)
  • Adopters Report (222)
  • Animal Status with Sub Status Report (151)
  • In Care on Specific Day (646) - as show/hide field, not a filter

If you require this field to be available on different reports, please notify us either via Zendesk or

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