Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.36 - 18-Feb-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.36

Asilomar report 344 now correctly calculating row R "Owner/Guardian Requested Euthanasia (Unhealthy & Untreatable Only)

Desex Certificate - Vet Signature too large - adjustments have been made to limit the size of signatures

ShelterBuddy deployment fails on new server

Report 314: Cash Drawer filter drop-down fails to display options


HS of Dallas County: Data Migration

Deploy SB Service as a Release Group

Set up Compulsory fields for Bendigo

Petpoint animal hold data migration

New Hope - add logging to UpdateAnimalFromApi

mandatory field set up for Wake County - quick win

Add Custom Consent option to RNZ SPCA's site - QUICK WIN

Phone Numbers on Error Messages

Customise Kennel Card for SPCA of Westchester

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