Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.29 - 30-Oct-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.29


Unhandled application error adding weights to Physical Exams

Merging 2 company records - make heading less confusing for Company Records

Consultation Notes by Date Range Report - change made to order it by Animal ID then by Note Date

TruncateOrphanedAddressesCommand failed for delete. System Rollbar issue related to Dispatch Address records

Approving licenses via OL sometimes caused incorrect addressing on the receipt caused by the receipt being generated a fraction of a second before the change to an Address was saved on SB. This was corrected by changing that order and the address is always saved first. 

Report 196 not running - this was causing issues for many sites. The engineers made improvements to how the report handled data to correct the issue. 

Add Highlighting jobs on Dispatch Summary when status is "Entering Property" for safety reasons 

Transaction Receipt Template Error - setting up templates for new Online Licensing sites was erroring because there was no data for it to grab and preview. This has been corrected.  

Report 196 was missing columns that was selected to show - this has been corrected.


Setup Marion County for power BI

Microchip Disclosure Form customisation for AWL of Qld

Update Report 551 Shelter Clinic Consultations to White Page format

Edmonton Humane Society: remove Health Condition from being a required field on intake

Upgrade report 62 "Foster Returned Report" to enable scheduling

Update reports 197 & 198 to use Physical Address

Update MedBuddy app for latest versions of mobile devices

Set up Lost/Found animal for OHS public site

Remove feature to upload Covid data to Petpoint

Remove Animal Training feature

Remove codelookup table

Investigate how to use the load balancer without breaking SB Service Integration tests

Set up an additional user for Power BI for Multnomah County


Add Person Details link on the Receipt page

Scheduled Report - request to add "Title" so users know which report version they are receiving.

Vet Treatments and Vet Treatment Report to prioritise Active treatments

Create block so users cannot delete statuses that have an Undo function. This preserves data and prevents data issues. 

Update phone numbers on tracking message for Online Liscencing

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