Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.26 - 1-Oct-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.26


Online Licensing will no longer break with accounts that have many animals

Improve performance on Online Licensing

Issue blocking users from deleting Animals resolve

Corrected issues causing Timeouts

OHS Shelter Buddy Salem duplicate Adoption Contract issue

Online Licensing - bug introduced in recent changes corrected

Online Licensing - improvement to support page (background fix)


Add Cash Drawer selection to Report 36

Update report 218 "Agency Outgoing Detail Report" corrected to show local custom preferences

Gwinnett County: remove mandatory setting for Adoption Fee on Intake

General Animal Notes window was opening smaller than it used to - this is now fixed

Enhance report 241 Foster Animals Due for Treatment:

  • Added filter for "Reason for Foster"
  • Added link to view Vet Treatment History
  • Added link to view Medical Note

RSPCA Qld Unable to delete Koala records - this is now fixed

Default new person records to show "Person" type

Set Mandatory Intake fields for LDH

RSPCA SA: Data Export

Taylor County Animal Services New Site Cut

Mcduffie County Animal Services New Site Cut

Migrate sites from smsql05 to smsql07

Rollbar: Rotate Your post_server_item Tokens by October 10th

Add index to tblQueue


Media Animal History data Improvements - index added in background

API enhancements:

  • SourceHistoryV2: this now includes IsPreviouslySpayedNeutered
  • animalv2: this now includes AlternativePlacement
  • HoldV2: new endpoint for retrieving animal hold information

Add show/hide column for "Source" to report 589 "Detailed Dispatch Summary"

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