Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.25 - 17-Sept-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.25


Exception when trying to view the second page of a person's name history resolved

Online licensing integration with PayPal Payflow is now working

Public site admin region not saving for Oregon Humane - corrected and deployed for all Public sites so it won't be a problem

Home Again test configuration always reports that it's not working - fixed so it now reports correctly.


Licenses by Location Report - Option to show Mailing Address

Remove report 583 "No Recorded Reason for Euthanasia" (shell report, was never created)

RVSCPA: Kennel Card Revisions

Inactive GL Codes show up but can't be found assigned to anything - correction so Inactive GL Codes no longer show. 

Investigate moving CRM sync to cloud build agent 

BCSPCA: Custom Data Pull, Report 752 for specific Animal IDs

Improving the performance of Report 196

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