Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.24 - 3-Sept-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.24


Error Message for Resetting Password when trailing whitespace included with code corrected

Performance improvements for new animal/list endpoint

Issue deleting animals corrected

24Petwach Microchip Uploads - upload error corrected


Request: Add "Animal Type" field to Report 665

Request new Street Type - "Keep"

Enable Version Control in Octopus

Remove Home Again "D" status for enrollments as they don't use it

Sandy City: Online Licensing Setup

Vet Reminder Report - add Weight labels (kg/lbs etc)


Report 448 Available for adoption - add Region column

Add ability to filter by Dispatch Job to report 282 Weight History Report

Include AIDs in logs when sending CSV files via FTP

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