Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.23 - 20-Aug-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.23


Error trying to link a public person to a shelter buddy id

Inactive Products Showing

Error attempting to update Jurisdiction when Jurisdiction Group was not selected

Error with entering old weight dates.

Fix spelling of 'unknown' on bite report

SB flags duplicate license numbers even if they are from different issuers and it shouldn't

Bug in Internal Transfer causing Status dates set at 1900

Multiple requests: Enable QR Code on Kennel Cards for MedBuddy

Improve error message for Put Animal on Hold

Source ACO - DOA causing problems for BC SPCA

Error merging files


Digital Signature on ANFs and Waivers

ARL Iowa PAT status adding Case#

Add phone number field to Do Not Adopt Report (Report 386)

Remove microchip number from showing up on PUBLIC adoption page - City of Pickering

Vet Consultation Listing report - request to add column for "Physical Location"

Help understanding custom report 113 "Cat Adoption Team UC Davis URI Summit Report" (Custom Report)

Power BI Enhancements:

  • SourceDate format field to 'MM/DD/YYYY' for US clients (will stay as 'DD/MM/YYYY' for other customers)
  • Fix 'Outgoing Evaluation Conditions" field so it shows results
  • Created relationship between 'AnimalIndemnity' and 'Outgoing' table: if you’re querying off outgoing, it has a relationship to animal, so if you tick the field “animal name” it will show the animal name from the outgoing query. If you then add in Indemnity it also has a relationship to animal, so then when you tick Animal Name Power BI does not know which relationship to use. To get around this I created a new Entity called AnimalIndemnityWithoutAnimal so it allows you to use this with queries that already have a relationship to animal.
  • Created a new 'WeightHistory' table to include 'Weight' field and 'Date of Weighing' fields. Ensure new WeightHistory table has a relationship with 'Animal' table. 
  • Add 'MediaAnimal' field to 'Animal' table
  • Add ‘Return Reason’ field to ‘Incoming’ table
  • Add 'Entered by' field to 'Status History'table
  • Add 'Delivery Type' field and 'Delivery Number' field to 'PersonMailingAddress' table
  • Add 'Animal ID' field to 'Outgoing' table
  • Add 'Source' field to 'AnimalStatusHistory' Table: if you’re querying off outgoing, it has a relationship to animal, so if you tick the field “animal name” it will show the animal name from the outgoing query. If you then add in SourceHistory to get the source it also has a relationship to animal, so then when you tick Animal Name Power BI does not know which relationship to use. To get around this I created a new Entity called SourceHistoryWithoutAnimal so it allows you to use this with queries that already have a relationship to animal.
  • Add 'Adoption Amount' field to 'Animal' table
  • Add 'Rabies Due Date' field to 'Licensing' table: if you’re querying off licensing, it has a relationship to animal, so if you tick the field “animal name” it will show the animal name from the outgoing query. If you then add in Vet Treatments it also has a relationship to animal, so then when you tick Animal Name Power BI does not know which relationship to use. To get around this I created 2 new entities called VetTreatmentsDueWithoutAnimal and VetTreatmentsGivenWithoutAnimal so it allows you to use this with queries that already have a relationship to animal.

Maddies Fund Report Update - Maddie's fun redefined and updated the location of the PDF containing definitions of Evaluation Categories. We updated our report description on report 541 so users can find this citation correctly. 

Migrate AWL Qld to cloud

St Huberts: Microsoft Access DB file of their SB data


Use projections for v2/animal/list endpoint

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