Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.22 - 6-Aug-2023


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.22

New Feature

Ramona: Add field to Vet Treatments to record amount given


Kennel List 729 report showing deleted kennels - fix

Make Undefined Address searchable via the current UI now that license addresses are being entered there

List Public Persons with Animals > View Animal > Kitty Error

RSPCA WA Petsync error


Include Receipt Number in report 390 "Donation Report"

Adopets Webhook - Listening for Delayed Adoption

Add icons to Adopets custom API endpoint

City of Paterson Animal Control New Site Cut

IVHSSPCA Customization: Remove 'Adoption Fee' from Public Site Listings

Chesterfield County: Final Data Migration

Add email to owner details in the animal model in the API


AWS performance improvement for query

Merge tblAnimalIdConfirm & tblAnimalVetNotes into tblAnimal

[INFR] Investigate deployment process for RSPCA WA.

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