Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 3.53 - 25/Dec/2021




Zendesk #38454:Adoption receipt PDF generation failed

Zendesk #38216:External Rabies questions, license type disappeared


Animal Hold Enhancements


Allow for a user to "undo" animal hold

Update "Put Animal on Hold" Report 728 to include additional fields for person

Update Animal hold history modal to show associated person and receipt link

Add Collect Payment and View/Print Receipt buttons to button of animal hold page

Add status and sub status fields to the animal hold page

Convert the existing animal hold from a modal into a page

New Feature

Allow for a person to be associated with an Animal Hold via the animal hold page

Migrate report 428 to volunteerbuddy


As a user entering a receipt I want to select a cancel reason so that supervisors know why the invoah transaction was cancelled


Move receipt metadata from SB GraphQL to SB Service


Move existing admin > receipt admin links to the new receipt admin page

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