Online Licensing - License Report


Online Licensing currently only has one report: the License Report. 
It has the following variables: 
Date range (Starting at: / Ending at:) - This date range is looking for the date the license was processed via Admin (including if it has not been processed at all)
Filter by: This field allows you to add or remove options to get a broader or more targeted response, depending on what you need. The options include: 

  • Approved
  • Duplicate
  • Pending
  • On Hold
  • Cancelled
  • Blocked

The report defaults to including Approved and Duplicate licenses, however, it can be used to search for licenses that are Pending or On Hold, for licenses that were Cancelled or Blocked as you need. You use the down arrow to add new options and click the X on each option to remove it, or remove all of them and start again by using the X beside the drop down arrow. 
Include donations: this toggle allows you to either include donations in the report return or exclude them. It defaults to including them. 
Sort by: This drop-down offers the following options: 

  • Admin Processed at Desc
  • Admin Processed at Asc
  • License Status Desc
  • License Status Asc
  • SB Receipt # Desc
  • SB Receipt # Asc

"Admin processed at" refers to the date of processing (Ascending or descending as preferred)
"License Status" refers to the current status of the license (see the "Filter by" options) - alphabetically ascending or descending as preferred. 
"SB Receipt #" will sort by the receipt number issued by Shelter Buddy, arranged in ascending or descending order as preferred. 
Without doing anything else, the report will generate a result and update that result based on changes made to any of the above. 
The final option is the Export Results button. This button will export whatever the current report return is to an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis or storage. 

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