Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 3.41- 10/Jul/21



Making Post Code Mandatory

Reporting of a Shelter Buddy Error From Site: qld

Unhandled application error

Adopets: cannot update people because of validation for alternate contacts

Ghost addresses

"PersonV2Controller"."Save" received an unsuccessful response with message: "Error with PersonService.SavePerson"

Data import not creating a log file then erroring when trying to save.

API person save is clearing some properties

Refund issue

New Feature

Make the sub status field required for certain statuses

Add a new source called "Community Animals" to be available from either the agency or person page as a link under the Person Categories section.


Setup SQL Server 2019 for Dev/Uat

Inland Valley: ShelterBuddy Google Maps

Update UAT database refresh steps

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