Create External License Issuer/External Registration Issuer


This document shows you how to set up an External License Issuer. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search Page, use the search fields to search for the company, organisation, clinic or other entity that you would like to set up as an external issuer. 
    • Remember they may exist in the Go to Agency or Go to Shelter/Rescue drop-down fields. 
    • If they do now already have a record, create one for them now. 
  2. From the Person Details Page, find the Person Menu at the top of the page and locate the link External License Issuer
  3. Set a Group from the Group drop-down by clicking the down arrow. 
    • If no group exists, you may need to set one up first. Click here to see how. 
  4. Select Yes or No to mark if the group issues "future licenses"* 
  5. If a Service fee is required, enter the amount here (Numeric value only)
  6. Select Yes or No the Service fee is withheld.
  7. Click Submit
  8. The modal will close and the External License Issuer is now ready to use. 

* Future Licenses are essentially reminders that a particular animal needs to be issued a license by a particular date. For more information on Future Licenses, click here

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