External License Issuer/External Registration Issuer - Set Up Groups


Your organisation may manage a team of outside businesses that issue license/registrations for your jurisdiction/county/licensing authority. You may need to identify why style of operation they are for reporting purposes. This document walks you through how to set up, manage, and use External Issuer Groups. 

Users will need Admin Access to perform this function. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search Page, click on the Administration menu link
  2. Navigate to License Administration/Registration Administration (as labelled by your site)
  3. On the Licence/Registration Administration menu page, scroll down to the bottom and click the link External Issuer Groups
  4. The page will list any existing External Issuer Groups. 
  5. Click Add
  6. In the screen that appears, enter the name of the group into the text field provided.
    • Group names have a limit of 50 characters. 
    • You cannot enter a group name if that name already exists in the list - group names must be unique. 
  7. Click Submit 
  8. Your new External Issuer will now appear in the list, ready to be assigned. 
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