Power BI FAQ


Q: How often does Power BI refresh it's data?

A: By default, the system is set to refresh once-per-day (overnight).

Q: How do i get the most recent date from a history, e.g. the most recent incoming date?

A:  This article was helpful, basically adding the source date from the incoming entity then change it to "latest": https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Show-Only-Latest-Record/m-p/385730#

Q: Can I use Power BI Desktop?

A:  Yes, just connect to a data source using your username and password that we provided and it automatically connects to your data.

Q: How can I get a report created in power bi Web into the desktop app?

A:  You can save a copy of the report using this screen shot:

So click the report you like then click file then click download the pbix file. Then in the desktop app you can import the report.
Q: How can I control access to Power BI reports?
A: To block Power BI reports, first go to administration > edit user access > manage pages

From here click new page and enter details in the description and name:
For path you will need to enter: /Reporting/PowerBI/Default.aspx

This will then block all users and direct you back to the list page.  From here search for power bi and click edit and then you can tick to give groups access:

Q: How can I remove a Power BI report that has been shared with Shelter Buddy?

A:  The only way to remove it from Shelter Buddy is to delete the report. To do that, follow these steps: 

  • Log into Power BI and in the menu on the left, click the profile icon so all your reports are listed.
  • Hover your mouse cursor over the space in between the Name of the report and the Type and you'll see three additional icons appear.  
  • Click on the three dots closest to the "Type" column to see more options and select "Delete"
  • You'll get a confirmation pop-up: proceed by clicking Delete

The report will be removed from both Power BI and Shelter Buddy almost simultaneously. 

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