Upgrade Process


ShelterBuddy performs a major upgrade to its hosted customers once every four weeks and its self-hosted customers once every eight weeks.  We publish the upgrade notice to our knowledgebase area under the announcements category so that customers can go back at any time to see what features were added in previous upgrades.

We schedule the upgrade within our standard upgrade window every week:




Every Tuesday 9.00pm to 1.00am PST


Every Tuesday 9.00pm to 1.00am AEST

This is a planned service outage to conduct necessary maintenance and upgrades to ShelterBuddy software and any vendor-released non-critical updates (e.g. Microsoft windows patches).  We will notify customers in a reasonable time frame on all planned service outages. The down time during a major upgrade is typically less than 5 minutes on our cloud hosting environment and during this time users are notified that they cannot use the system if they try to access it.  

In circumstances where an emergency service outage is required, we will undertake the service outage without notice. In such cases, we will endeavor to notify customers prior to any service outage.  An example of such case is where a vendor has released a security patch that is a critical security concern to be applied as soon as possible.

Minor updates such as patches take less time and do not impact on using the system so notifications are not sent for these minor updates.

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