Creating Citation Letters


This process walks you through creating a printable form/letter you can set up to instruct customers how to pay fines and/or opt for court hearings in relation to citations issues through the Dispatch/Legal Proceedings processes. NB we can only set up once form per location. There is no option to set up different versions of the form for citation variables other than the linked Physical Location. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click on the Administration link in the left-hand menu. 
  2. Locate and click on the link Templated Documents Administration.
  3. From the menu options, click on Dispatch/Prosecution
  4. Click the Create button. 
  5. On the resulting page: 
    • Set the Location via the drop-down box. NB: it will default to the location you are currently logged in as, but does have a setting for "All" locations.
    • Set Default for location if required. 
    • Enter a description of this version of the form in the box Description (free text field)
    • Type: this box will default to Dispatch/Prosecution. Currently, this is the only option available.
    • Category: this drop-down does not default even though it currently only has one option, so select Citation Form and to set the form up. 
  6. The Body is set up with a text editor so you can add various elements that are useful for the purposes of setting a form up, but primarily it's just an open text canvas. NB: it does not have the same versatility of a more advanced word processing program, such as Word. 
  7. At the top of the canvas is the menu bar:
  8. Working from left to right:
    • The first two icons (semi-circular arrows) will undo or redo your most recent keystrokes respectively. 
    • The "blank" drop-down controls whether the text is a paragraph, heading, or other. It defaults to "paragraph" and this will typically be what you would use. 
    • The following two items, seen here showing "12pt" and "System Font" are your font controls. The first one sets the size of the characters and the second selects the font you wish to use. 
    • The fifth box in this series sets bold, italic, or underline for your text. The elipses at the end offers choices for strikethrough, subscript, superscripts, or code. 
    • The sixth box sets the colour of the font and the colour for any highlighting/background used. 
    • The seventh box is your paragraph control and sets the placement and alignment of each new paragraph. 
    • The box second from the right-hand end controls ordered lists. Currently, you can only select a numbered list or dot-points. For more advanced lists, contact
    • The last box allows you to include active links to websites, images, tables, or a horizontal rule that will always sit neatly across the page. 
  9. If you insert a table into your document canvas, you will notice that the menu bar changes: 
    • The areas marked in red above control the Table
    • On the left, you'll see an icon marked Table Cell: click the icon to set elements within a cell such as the size and border. 
    • The table icon on the right-hand end controls the same for the table. Note: the border control here only controls the outer border. For individual cell borders, you need to use the Table Cell controls. 
    • The trashcan icon will delete the whole table. 
    • The up and down arrows will add rows either above or below the cells. 
    • The black box with the white horizontal line will remove rows. 
    • The left and right arrows will add columns. 
    • The black horizontal line at the very end will remove columns. 
  10. Below the text canvas is an arrow marked Placeholders. These are snippets of code that instruct the form to populate that area with specific data drawn from the Citation.  Options include: 
    • The Date the form is generated
    • The Date and Time the form is generated
    • Create a page break to force content to a new page
    • Citation data: 
      • Citation ID
      • Citation Number
      • Date of offence
      • Dispatch job number
      • Total Fine amount
      • Citation Notes
      • Citation Officer Name
      • Citation Officer Badge Number
      • Citation Issue Date
    • Animal Data: 
      • Animal ID
      • Animal name
      • License/Registration Number
      • Microchip Number
      • "VIP" Tag (placeholder for a uniquely named tag field found just above the Microchip number)
      • Animal Status
      • Physical Location (aka Region or name of the Shelter, not an address)
      • Shelter Location
      • Animal Type 
      • Gender and spay/neuter status
      • Primary and secondary breed
      • Primary and secondary colours
      • Current Age
      • Animal DOB
      • Owner information (used if this is different from the "Person" linked to the citation) including: 
        • Person ID
        • Salutation options
        • first and last names
        • Phone and email options
        • Middle initial
        • Owner DOB
        • Owner gender
        • Owner Identification number
        • Owner Identification state
    • Person Data: 
      • Person ID
      • Salutation options
      • First and last names
      • Phone and email numbers
      • Person DOB
      • Person Gender
      • Person Identification Number
      • Person Identification State
    • Address Data - this links to the "Person" i.e. the person on the citation. 
      • Various options to display address data
      • Uses Person Mailing Address
    • Citation Address - the address listed on the citation itself
      • Various options to display the address assigned to the Citation page.
    • Job Address Data: 
      • Various options to display the address assigned to the linked Dispatch Job (Dispatch Job Location)
    • Site Data: (pulled from settings for Physical Location)
      • Name of the organisation
      • Abbreviation of the organisation
      • Phone number of the organisation
    • Violations of the Citation
      • Violation number
      • Fine amount
      • Violation description
      • Violation reference
      • Violation offence number
      • Can be added as a "collection", i.e. if you have multiple violations and you'd like to display all this information for each, just click the Add Collection button to set that for your form. 
  11. Once you have entered all the text, tables, placeholders and headings into your document, click Save
  12. The page will return to the Templated Documents menu dashboard and your new document will appear in a summary row. 
  13. Click the Edit button on the right to make changes. 
  14. Click the Delete button to remove it completely. Remember, deleted documents cannot be retrieved later. 
  15. Once you have set up multiple documents, you can use the Location drop-down to filter for documents assigned to a specific Physical Location. 
  16. Use the page arrows to move back and forth in the list (only available when enough documents have been added to create multiple pages). 

For information on how to print a Citation Letter, click here.

For information on how to issue a Citation to a person, click here.

For information on setting up Citations, click here

For information on creating bulk Citations for unrenewed licences, click here

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