Online Licensing - Custom Menu Items


You can customize your online licensing portal using the Custom Menu Items menu. This feature allows you to add links to third party sites, or additional information for your customers to access. 

From the Administration landing page, click on the menu option Site Customizations then select Custom Menu Items. 

You will arrive at the Custom Menu Items dashboard page. 

  1. Click +Add Menu Item
  2. Choose from the following: 
    • Icon: Click the down arrow to select an applicable icon from the list (not mandatory, but helpful)
    • Text*Free type the text you would like to use to identify the purpose of the menu item. 
    • URL*Enter the website address into this field. 
      * items marked with an asterisk are mandatory
  3. Click Save to save your item. 
  4. Click Remove to delete an item.
  5. Click +Add Menu Item to add another item. Repeat as necessary. 


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