Adding weights to animal pages


This guide walks you through using the Weight fields on the Animal Details and Medical pages, including understanding how different set-ups work. 

Basic information 

To add a weight record to any Animal Details page:

  1. From the Animal Details page, scroll down until you find the Weight (H) field, just under the animal's Name. 
    • Alternatively, this field can also be found near the top of the Medical Notes page, or halfway down the Vet Consult page.
  2. Click the checkbox to activate the field:
  3. Enter the desired weight into the field(s) provided
  4. The date field adjacent (Date of Weighing) will automatically populate "today's" date. If this is incorrect, click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. 
  5. Click Update Animal Details to save your change. 


  1. Click the (H) link at the end of the Weight header to open the history feature. 
  2. A pop-up will open displaying the history of weights saved for that pet in a table, showing the weight recorded, the date the animal was weighed, the date the weight was added to the record and the user who added it. 
  3. Note: the weight field will reflect the system used on your site - it will display the same way here as it does on the main page. 
  4. Click the Edit link on the right-hand to make changes to history. 
  5. The pop-up will display the weight currently displayed and offer a field to add a new weight. 
  6. Place your cursor in the active field and make whatever change is required. You may also change the unit with which the animal was weighed. 
  7. Click Submit to save your change. 
  8. To delete the weight record, click the Delete button instead. 
  9. The pop-up will return to the Weight History version, so you may edit a different weight or close the window. 
  10. Although technically not required, it's a good idea to click Update Details whenever you make a change to an animal record. 


Shelter Buddy can display either pounds and ounces or kilograms and grams and defaults depending on your local settings. It also has two variations for how the weight is displayed - 

Option 1: Single field only. The user enters a single number for weights and can select either kgs or lbs only from a dropdown adjacent. 


Using the single field option, you may enter a weight with decimal points. For example if a kitten is one and a half kilograms, you may enter this as 1.5. 

However, if you have a kitten that weighs just 850 grams, then entering this as 0.850 would display as "0.85" - you will always lose the trailing zero. This may be problematic if you routinely work with animals that are less than 1 kilogram/pound, but if the majority of your work is with animals over 1kg/lb, then this version may be perfect for you. 


Option 2: Split field. The user enters two different numbers, one for the larger measurement (kgs or lbs) and a second for the smaller measurement (gs or oz). 


If your site uses the split-field option, then each field accepts whole numbers only - you cannot enter grams or ounces as a decimal. For example, if the animal is 1.5 kg/lb then the first field (kg or pounds) would have "1" and the second field (g or oz) would have "500"

 The split field is designed for routinely recording weights under 1kg (or 1lb if that's the set up), and therefore requires the number to be represented in terms of how many grams/ounces, not fractions of a kilogram/pound.

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