Admin - Assign Age Group to Type


NOTE: Age Groups are not linked in any way to the Age fields (Weeks, Months, Years, DOB). Age Groups will not automatically update as the animal ages. They are meant to reflect only an approximation of the group the animal was in while in care. If it returns to care later in life, you will need to manually update or clear the field to correct it. 

Obviously, not every age group is relevant to every kind of animal. 

The longevity of a horse, for example, to a rodent bears no comparison. You might describe different life-stages of a bird with terms like egg, hatchling, nestling, fledgling, and so on, but you would never describe a dog that way. 

Therefore you may need to set up unique Age Groups for different species of animals. 

To do this: 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click on the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu. 
  2. In the resulting menu, find and click on the link Edit Drop Down Lists
  3. Locate the option Animal Age Groups and click the link Add 
    • Tip: this is located in the "blue" section, about halfway down the page. If you are having trouble locating it, use your browsers "find" function by holding the Ctrl key and typing "f" then type the keywords age group into the resulting text field and press the enter key.
  4. In the resulting pop-up, add the name of the age group you wish to add, exactly as you would like it to appear in the list
  5. Select an Animal Type from the list by clicking on it, or hold down the Ctrl key and click multiple items if you would like to assign it to more than one Type.*
  6. Click Add Animal Age Group

*For items that already exist on your system that have not been assigned to a Type, or to catch any you may have missed, or if you would like to bulk move multiple Age Groups, you can follow these steps:

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click on the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu. 
  2. In the resulting menu, find and click on the link Assign Age Groups
  3. Select an Animal Type from the drop-down at the top by clicking on it. 
  4. Use the arrow keys to move Age Group items from the menu on the left to the menu on the right: 
    • To move the entire list, click the double arrow button (>>) that points in the direction you want the items to move. 
    • To move a single item in the list, click on it to highlight it, then click the single arrow button (>) that points in the direction you want the item to move until the item is on the opposite list. 
    • To move multiple items, but not all of them, click on an item, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, then click on the remaining items you wish to move. Once they have all been highlighted, click the single arrow button (>) that points in the direction you want the items to move until all of the items have moved across to the opposite list. 

The Age Groups will now be available only to the selected Types. 

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