Shelter Animals Count - New Report
Working with the Shelter Animals Count organization, they now have a new option for shelters to upload a report to the Shelter Animals Count website. For this we have created a new report, Report 712, Shelter Animals Count: csv Output. Running this report will download a csv file that can be used to upload to the Shelter Animals Count website.
On the animal tasks page, you can now filter to only show tasks for animals that are in care (this will exclude fosters), in foster care, or not in care.
Leaving all options un-ticked will ignore the filter and show all animals. You can then tick to include or exclude what ever you would like. If you are using the same filter each time you can use the "applied save filter" so it is easier to view tasks on a regular basis.
You can now enter a reason for skipping a medication. Now when you click the skip button a dialog will load where you can type in why you are skipping the medication. The reason is optional and you can click the "skip" button and not enter anything.
The medical history form will now show the date the medication was cancelled instead of just showing "cancelled".
When entering medications via administration the field "How long should this task run for?" is now available to set a default.
Animal Search
When using the advanced animal search page you now have the option of entering a DOB range instead of selecting the exact DOB. The existing DOB search field now has 2 range fields:
Animal Details - Hold Euthanasia
When selecting the status of "Hold Euthanasia" (Hold Euthanasia means hold do not euthanize), the field "No Euthanasia" will tick by default and the reason is now required with no value defaulted.