Admin - Maintain Foster Detail Page Preferences


Not every foster home is able to care for every kind of foster pet. So you can keep track of which of your foster homes can take care of which pets, you can set up preferences to select on their Foster Details page. 

Follow these steps to set up and maintain your Foster Detail Preference options:

To begin:

  1. Use the Administration menu in the left hand (orange) menu and from there locate the Edit Drop Down List.
  2. In the pale section at the top of the Edit Drop Down List, find the Foster options. You can choose from the following: 
    • Foster Carer Home Time - sets values for the slider to ask how much time does the carer spend at home
    • Foster Detail Preferences - This relates to the "Preferences" tick boxes that are on the Edit Foster Details page. It sets what type of animals the foster home is prepared to take in (e.g. puppies, mother and litter, horses, cats, etc). This can be expanded to suggest specialist fields (e.g. neonates or species requiring specialist setups such as livestock, birds, or reptiles) or special programs, or simply Animal Types. 
    • Foster Disease Contact - sets values for the list of checkboxes for the Disease Contact section of the foster details page intended to indicate if the foster home has been exposed to contagions and needs to "rest" or be quarantined until safe again, or if it is unsafe for certain types of animals. 
    • Foster EOI Form Submitted - A list of possible statuses for expression of interest form submission
    • Foster Fence Type - Sets values for what type of fencing materials are used on a property
    • Foster Lowest Fence Height - sets values for the slider to indicate the lowest point of a fence surrounding a foster property. 
    • Foster Note Categories - This sets categories for Foster Notes 
    • Foster Outreach Participation - sets values to show if this foster home is interested in participating in extra-curricular outreach programs where they may be asked to bring the animal to an event etc. 
    • Foster Property Check Status - sets options to indicate whether or not the property has been checked for suitability for the type(s) of animal the home has expressed an interest in, or at what stage the check has progressed to. 
    • Foster Ratings - Sets values for how successful the foster home is (determined by your own measures)
    • Foster Reason - Sets options for reasons a pet may be placed in foster care. 
    • Foster Returning for Treatments - sets the values for the slider to ask about the regularity of returning treatments.
    • Foster Size of Property Units - Allows you to add units of measurement for the size of a property (e.g. block, purch, acres, etc)
    • Foster Special Needs - Sets checkbox values for conditions the foster home is willing to foster that may require special attention (e.g. behavioural work, surgery recovery, during treatment/recovery of conditions such as ringworm or mange, etc). 
    • Fostering Details - sets checkbox values for the details of the foster home (e.g. one-off foster, experienced foster, school holidays only, staff foster, etc). 
  3. Click the Edit link against any option you wish to manage to advance to the Set-Up
  4. The Set-Up page is a quick entry page, so to enter Foster Detail Preferences, simply type them into the text box and press the enter
  5. Now, if you hover your mouse cursor over the reason you have just entered, a pencil will appear on the left-hand side of the entry. If you need to correct spelling or update anything, click on the pencil to edit.
  6. Use the green checkmark or red cross to save your changes.
  7. If there is a checkmark in the box column with the header “Show”, this means this reason is active. If the checkbox against that entry is empty, the reason is inactive and will not show on the Foster Details Page.

It is worth noting that if you deactivate a preference by un-ticking the box in the "show" column, that option will remain visible on the Foster Person's Foster Details (if it was previously selected) until such a time as the box is unticked and the page re-saved. At this point, only the remaining options will display.

If an existing option is amended, this change will update all records retroactively. 


Further down the Edit Drop Down Page list, in the blue section, you'll find duplicate options for Fostering Details, Foster Disease Contact, and Foster Special Needs Programs. These are simply artefacts of an older system that will eventually be deprecated, but they still work, just the same.

However, this is where you set options for Foster Inactive Reasons. These are possible reasons why a foster person/home may have left your foster programme. 

 To set these up:

  1. Use the Administration menu in the left hand (orange) menu and from there locate the Edit Drop Down List.
  2. In the blue section at the bottom of the Edit Drop Down List, find Foster Inactive Reasons.
  3. Click the Add option - a pop-up will appear.
  4. Place your cursor into the text box and type in a reason why someone may have left the programme. 
  5. Click Add Unable to Foster Reason
  6. The pop-up will close. 
  7. Repeat as often as necessary until all reasons are entered. 
  8. Click Edit to make changes to an existing inactive reason. 
  9. When the pop-up opens, click the drop-down at the top to select the reason you'd like to amend
  10. Place the cursor in the text box below and type the new option into this field. 
  11. Click Edit Unable to Foster Reason
  12. The pop-up will close. 

NOTE: Editing an existing Inactive Reason will update history retroactively, so use with caution. 

If you would like to preserve the history, we recommend you use the Delete option: 

  1. Click Delete
  2. Select the option you would like to remove from the drop-down at the top of the pop-up that appears. 
  3. Click Delete Unable to Foster Reason
  4. Click OK to confirm you wish to delete, or Cancel to change your mind (you may need to expand the size of the pop-up box to see both options)
  5. The pop-up will close. 

Once deleted, Inactive Reasons will remain visible on the Foster Details Page, but they are not offered on any page they have not already been applied to. 



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