External Rabies


In some cases, an organisation may have a clinic that offers rabies vaccines to the general public so they can be compliant with local laws and requirements. In these cases, letters confirming rabies vaccinations and directing the owner to license their pet with the local authorities are required. 

This process was created to cater to this situation. 

External Rabies:

  1. Search for person vaccinating their animal.
    • If found, skip ahead to step #2.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry link or click on the New Record link in the orange menu to the left of the screen.
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person page. Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender. Depending on your organisation you may be required to confirm identification and include Date of Birth.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and click on the External Rabies link in the Personal Categories section.
  3. Make a selection from one of the menu options:
    • Add Animal From External Rabies Vaccination - this option will add a new animal to the database
    • Search Existing Animal - this option opens an advanced search page so you can find an existing file, even if it is not actively linked to the Person file. 
    • Animals Linked To Person - this option allows you to select an existing file from any animal currently actively linked to the Person file. 
  4. When the Animal Details page loads, the Source will automatically be assigned as External Rabies and the Status will show as Information. These cannot be altered, but you may add sub-statuses if desired.
  5. Complete all required Animal Details. The fields required will vary from site to site.
  6. Click Update Details
  7. The Rabies Vaccination page will load. This is a lot like a regular Vet Treatment page, but it has a few additional areas. 
  8. Complete the following (fields marked with an asterisk* are optional): 
    • Treatment due: optional. Complete this field only if required, otherwise, leave blank.
    • Treatment Date Given*: Enter the date the vaccination was administered by clicking on the calendar icon. You can add the time if you wish. Will default to "today" and "now". 
    • Treatment Type Given*: Select a Rabies vaccine from the drop-down. Only Rabies vaccines will be offered to select. 
    • Rabies Tag Number: enter the tag number here, if relevant. This will transfer to the Animal Details page. 
    • Next Treatment Due In: enter a digit into one of these boxes to auto-calculate the date the next vaccination should be given. 
    • Next Treatment Due*: date will auto-populate depending on what was entered above, OR you can manually select a date by clicking the calendar icon. 
    • Next Treatment Type*: Select the next vaccination type the animal should have (will often be the same as what was given). 
    • Shelter Vet Name: select the name of the veterinarian administering the vaccination from this drop-down. 
    • Notes: Enter any notes in relation to the vaccination here. 
    • Administered by External Vet: if the vaccination was completed by someone other than a veterinarian that exists in your Shelter Vet drop-down list. 
    • Administered by: this will default to the current user. 
    • Issuing Authority*: Select an issuing authority from the drop-down list. 
    • License Type*: Select the type of license the animal should acquire from the drop-down. (Linked to Issuing Authority)
    • Reference Number*: manually enter a reference number. This will print out on the form.  
  9. Click Add Treatments
  10. The External Rabies receipt page will open and a small pop-up will appear that processes the External Rabies letter.
  11. Print the External Rabies receipt if desired, then click the link to return to the Animal Details page. 
  12. On the left, where Receipt links are stored, you'll see a link for the External Rabies letter. You can reprint the letter at any time using this link. 
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