Hold Times Administration


You can set up your site so the Date Due Out is modified to suit combinations of Type, Circumstance, Jurisdiction and Region as required.

Users will need access to the Administration menu to set this up. 


From the Administration menu, select Hold Times Administration

  1. Physical Location: defaults to All. If the hold times are to apply to a specific region, select the region (Physical Location) from the drop-down.
  2. Shire: (aka Jurisdiction) defaults to All. If the hold times are to apply to a specific shire or jurisdiction, select as appropriate from the drop down.
  3. Click Add Hold Times
  4. In the pop up that deploys:
    • Animal Type: Select the Animal Type the hold time is to apply to from the drop-down. NOTE: Selecting Dog or Cat will NOT automatically apply the same settings to Puppy or Kitten. They must be set up separately.
    • Circumstance Type: Select the required circumstance from the drop down.
    • Number of Days: Enter the number of days from the Date In / Found that the Date Due Out is to be calculated. Only whole numbers are accepted. 
    • OR Manual Entry: If you require your users to manually select a date due out as it varies by more than region, jurisdiction, type and circumstance, flag this box INSTEAD OF selecting a number of days. This will default the field to blank. NOTE: unless the field is made mandatory, it will accept a blank entry. Ask support@shelterbuddy.com if you require mandatory settings. 
    • Feral: If the hold times are only to apply if the "Feral" setting equals "Yes", mark this box.
  5. Once your settings are complete, click "Save"
  6. You will return to the Hold Times Administration page, and the Hold Times setting you just entered will now appear on a summary line just below the Add Hold Times link.
  7. Repeat as necessary until all required combinations are added.

Note: combinations that have no hold times set for them will simply default to "today" as the Date Due Out. 

From 1 March 2019, a History field has been added to the Due Date Out field. For more information, please see our FAQ

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