Create Wildlife Carer


This procedure applies to persons who want to volunteer as a Foster Carer, Person or Parent.


  1. Search for the person.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender. Depending on your organization you may be required to confirm identification and title.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Wildlife Person Category (PC)
  3. On the Wildlife page click on the Add wildlife Carer Details
  4. Complete the following:
    • Independent Carer: click on the down arrow to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.  This is used when they are not associated with a wildlife care group.
    • Independent Rescuer: click on the down arrow to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.  This is used when they are not associated with a wildlife care group.
    • Government Agency Wildlife License: enter their license number here. In some areas, a person MUST have a government issued license to rescue/rehabilitate wildlife.
    • Permit Expiry Date: click on the Calendar Icon to select the date their license expires.
    • Wildlife Group: if they are not an independent carer or rescuer, enter the name of the group they are associated with here, otherwise leave this field blank.
    • Confirmation of Membership: click on the down arrow to indicate weather or not you confirmed their membership is valid.
    • Speciality: This indicates which groups of animals this person is qualified to rescue or rehabilitate. Click all that apply.
    • Other: if the person specialises in a type of animal not listed above, enter the details here.
    • On Shelter Wildlife Roster: click on the down arrow to indicate weather or not they are on the roster to rescue/rehabilitate.
    • Shelter Wildlife Accredited Carer?: click on the down arrow to indicate if they are accredited by your shelter. 
    • Specialty: enter their specialty, what area they are most skilled in (e.g. if the Speciality group is "Possums" their speciality might be pouch young or a specific species such as Ringtail Possums.
    • Release Sites?: click on the down arrow to identify if they have access to release areas locally.
    • Vaccinated for Lyssavirus?: click on the down arrow to indicate if they have been vaccinated against lyssavirus (required in Australia).
    • Booster Check Date:  click on the Calendar Icon to select the date that their vaccination booster is due.
    • Availability: click on the down arrow to select when they are available. This will help filter their profile on the Dispatch Wildlife Search page.
    • Notes: The profile must be saved before you can add notes, but any additional information can be entered here. This also displays for the Dispatch Wildlife Search. 
    • Dates Unavailable: If the carer is not available until you have finished checking their permits, or if they are on leave and unable to help rescue animals, you can click the Calendar Icons to indicate the dates between which they are unavailable. 
    • Inactive: Select a reason the carer has become inactive from the drop down and click the Calendar Icon to indicate the date. Reasons for inactivity can be loaded in AdministrationThis will remove the carer from Dispatch Wildlife Searches and mark them as Inactive when viewed through the Wildlife PCThey can be reactivated at any time by clearing these values. 
    • Click Add Details.
  5. This will take you to the top of the Edit Wildlife Carer Details page. Beneath the Update Details button will now appear an empty rectangles with a link labelled Edit Suburbs at the top.
  6. Click Edit Suburbs to deploy a pop up of all suburbs loaded for your site.
  7. Click on the name of each suburb this wildlife carer/rescuer can operate in. This links to the Dispatch Wildlife Search page so their details will only be offered for relevant suburbs. 
  8. At the top of the page a Carer Menu will display, with three links:
    • Volunteer Hours -  click the link to add the numbers of successfully fostered baby or adult wildlife and/or the hours and date the hours should be allocated to. Use if wildlife rescuing/caring is counted as volunteer hours in your organisation.
    • Linked to Dispatch Jobs - Lists all dispatch jobs the carer has been linked to. 
    • Dispatch Calls History - History of all dispatch jobs where the user attempted to contact this Wildlife carer, the outcome of the call (if not linked), the user who attempted to call, the date of the call and any relevant notes. 
  9. Click Return to Wildlife Details to begin assigning animals to this carer. 


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