Admin - Update Organisation Logo


This process is to update your organization’s logo.  You should adjust the size of the image to suit prior to doing this process. 

Only users with Administrative access can process this function.

  1. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Locate and click on the Update Organisation Logo link
  3. On the resulting page, click the button Select file that appears at the end of the text box.
  4. A window will open that allows you to search your documents for the image you require. Select the Logo so its details display in the box marked File name at the bottom of this window and click
  5. This action will apply the details of the logo into the text box on Shelter Buddy marked File to upload.
  6. Click the button Upload replacement logo
  7. If the upload is unsuccessful; you will receive a validation error in red directing you to where the issue lay. If successful, you will receive a success message in green and the new logo will now be visible in the top left corner of the screen.
  8. This process will also automatically update most documents on Shelter Buddy that display the logo. If there are any that show the old logo, contact for assistance.
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