This process is used where one job type is either escalated or de-escalated to a different job type. For example, a job may be taken under Ambulance or Animal Control, but on arrival it becomes evident that Humane Officer investigation is required. Alternately, a job that starts as a Cruelty Complaint may turn out to be just a stray animal rescue. If you attach animals to the wrong job type, the files won’t necessarily behave correctly insofar as uploading to public sites and lost/found searching is concerned, and it is ideal to be able to report on both the original job type that was acted on in the first instance, as well as the new job type the incident was assessed to be later.
This process may also be useful if a job was accidentally created as the wrong job type: once saved, a Dispatch Job type cannot be altered or amended in any way.
- Click Dispatch Search via the link in the left hand (orange) menu.
- Search for the existing dispatch job you need to recreate.
- From the Edit Job page, on the right hand site in the Dispatch Menu is a link called Add Dispatch Job From These Details.
- Click the link to skip to a page asking what type of job the new job is to be (Ambulance, Animal Control, Cruelty Complaint etc). Select as appropriate.
- At the bottom of the page is a check box marked Copy Other Comments/Details. Check this box if you want the bulk of the information from the original job to copy over to the new job. NB: this will NOT copy over Person or Animal details attached.
- Click Update to proceed.
- The new dispatch job page will open. At the top of the page you will see the information This request is attached to Job #____. The job number link is active and will take you back to the original job.
- Search for and add Person details as required.
- Select the Dispatch Code applicable for the new job.
- Check the remainder of the information on the job is complete and/or correct and make any adjustments/notes necessary.
- Click Update to save your changes.
- Use the (Job Type) Summary link in the right hand Dispatch Menu to print out the finished job details.