Question and Form Administration: Set Up


This process is to allow questions to be added, edited or deleted from internal data collecting questioners in the system.  Some areas allow individual questionnaires based on animal type.

Be aware, some questionnaire pages have default questions that are hard-coded and cannot be managed via Question and Form Administration.

How do I delete the questions under the Recommendations heading on the Behaviour Assessment page?

Animal Behaviour Page

Pre-Adoption Questionnaire

Post-Adoption Questionnaire

You require access to the Administration menu to utilise these options. 

This process is applicable for setting up the questions on the Animal Behavior Questionnaire, Behavioral Assessment Questionnaire, Clinic Behavior Questionnaire, Pre Adoption Questionnaire, Adoption Plan Questionnaire, Adoption Return Questionnaire, etcOnly users with administrative access can process this function.

 *Note: Enter the questions in the order that they are to appear on the form. They can be reordered, but entering in the correct order in the first instance makes it easier for you.

 There are seven different formats that can be used within the questionnaires.

  •  Text Field  - This is for a short / limited text answer. Hold 100 characters. 
  •  Drop Down Box -  This is to create a list of possible answers to select one answer from. 
  • Check Boxes  -This is to create a list of checkboxes in order to select more than one applicable answer. 
  • Comments Field  - This is for a comments box for extensive answers. Holds 3000 characters. 
  • Form Comment  -  This is for displaying directions, explanations, or labelling areas. It does not require responses of any kind and is information only. It can be set to show on printed forms or not.
  • Date Field  - This is for a date box and icon. 
  • Field Table   -  This is for creating an information table with lines and columns.

 Some questionnaires allow you to add additional pages.  Examples would be Surrender Questions, Safer Test, Puppy Page (vs Dog page), etc.

  1.  In the left hand menu on the Welcome page click on the Administration link.
  2.  On the Administration page scroll down and click on the Question Administration link.
  3.  Click on the link that applies to the questionnaire that is to be updated.

To ADD Pages

On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update.  The ability to add pages is only on select questionnaires.

  1. Click on the Add ­­­­a Page link.  This will generate a popup window.
  2. Page Name: enter the name of the additional page to be applied.  Utilize the orange Abc button to turn off auto casing, if required.
  3. Click Update. The popup window will disappear.


On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update.  The ability to edit / delete pages is only on select questionnaires.

  1. Click on the Edit ­­­­a Page link.  This will generate a popup window. 
    • To Edit: Click on the Edit ­­link.  This will change the popup window. 
      • Page Name: enter the name of the additional page to be applied.  Utilize the orange Abc button to turn off auto casing, if required.
      • Click Update.  The popup window will disappear.
    • To Delete: Click on the Delete ­ link.
      •  Click OK. 

 To ADD Questions

On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update, there are four primary links; Add, Edit, Order and Delete links. 

  1. Click on the Add ­­­­(Name of questionnaire) Question link.
  2. Animal Type: click on the down arrow to select the type of animal this question will apply to.  This may or may not be an available field depending on the questionnaire selected.
  3. Question Type: click on the down arrow to select the format the question should be.  See page 1 for examples of each.
    • If Text Field is selected: 
      • Question: enter the question to be added. 
      • Comments: adding an explanation, comment or instructions to the field is optional.  *Note: the information entered into this field will show under the text field itself, not before. 
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting. 
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Drop Down Box is selected: 
      • Question: enter the question to be added.
      • Comments: adding an explanation, comment or instructions to the field is optional.  *Note: the information entered into this field will show under the text field itself, not before.
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting. 
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to. 
      • Answers + -: Click on the + to add answer fields and the if you clicked the + too many times.  In each field that appears enter a possible answer to the question that is asked.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Check Box is selected:
      • Question: enter the question to be added. 
      • Comments: adding an explanation, comment or instructions to the field is optional.  *Note: the information entered into this field will show under the text field itself, not before.
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting.
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
      • Answers + -: Click on the + to add answer fields and the if you clicked the + too many times.  In each field that appears enter a possible answer to the question that is asked.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Comments Field is selected:
      • Question: enter the question to be added.
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting.
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Form Comment is selected:
      • Comments: enter the comments that are to be displayed.  Examples are instructions for the question to follow, labelling a separate section of the questionnaire, or explaining a situation in which a question applies.
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting.
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Date Field is selected:
      • Question: enter the question to be added.
      • Comments: adding an explanation, comment or instructions to the field is optional.  *Note: the information entered into this field will show under the text field itself, not before.
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting.
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
    • Comments: adding an explanation to the date field is optional.
      • Click Add Question.
    • If Field Table is selected:
      • Question: enter the question to be added.
      • Comments: adding an explanation, comment or instructions to the field is optional.  *Note: the information entered into this field will show under the text field itself, not before. 
      • Highlight:  place a check mark if this question is to be highlighted on the questionnaire in yellow.  *Note: if comments were entered they will also be included in the yellow highlighting.
      • Page:  If applicable, click on the down arrow to select the page the text field is to be assigned to.
      • Fields Add Field-: Click on the Add Field link.  This will generate a popup window.
        • Questions Type:  click on the down arrow to select one of the five question types.
        • See the section above that directs how to complete the type that has been selected.
        • Click Submit.  The popup window will disappear
        • Repeat as necessary.  *Note: it is recommended that the same question type is utilized within a table field.
      • Click Add Question.

To EDIT Questions

Note: if you edit an existing question and responses exist for this question, it will change the question as it appears on the question form but the responses will remain. Not recommended unless correcting grammar etc.

On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update, there are four primary links; Add, Edit, Order and Delete links.

  1. Click on the Edit ­­­­(Name of questionnaire) Question link.
  2. Animal Type: click on the down arrow to select the type of animal the question applies to.  This may or may not be an available field depending on the questionnaire selected.
  3. Question Type: click on the down arrow to select the format the question should be.  See page 1 for examples of each.
  4. If Text Field is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary.
    • Click Update Details. 
  5. If Drop Down Box is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary. 
    • Answers + -: Click on the + to add answer fields and the if you clicked the + too many times.  In each field that appears enter a possible answer to the question that is asked.
    • Place a check mark in the applicable Delete box if an item is to be removed completely.
    • Click Update Details.
  6. If Check Box is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary. 
    • Answers + -: Click on the + to add answer fields and the if you clicked the + too many times.  In each field that appears enter a possible answer to the question that is asked.
    • Place a check mark in the applicable Delete box if an item is to be removed completely.
    • Click Update Details.
    • If Comments Field is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary.
    • Click Update Details.
  7. If Form Comment is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary.
    • Click Update Details.
  8. If Date Field is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary.
    • Click Update Details.
  9. If Field Table is selected:
    • If the Question Type is changed the fields required will also change.  Edit where necessary. 
    • Answers + -: Click on the + to add answer fields and the if you clicked the + too many times.  In each field that appears enter a possible answer to the question that is asked.
    • Place a check mark in the applicable Delete box if an item is to be removed completely.
    • Click Update Details.

To change the ORDER of the questions

On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update, there are four primary links; Add, Edit, Order and Delete links.

*Note: document and re number the order you would like the questions to be changed to prior to this process by actually looking at the applicable Questionnaire.  When you access this area to change the order of the questions they will list in the order they were entered.  When the numbering is changed the list will not re order itself. 

  1. Click on the Order ­­­­(Name of questionnaire) Question link. 
  2. Animal Type: click on the down arrow to select the type of animal the questions apply to.  This may or may not be an available field depending on the questionnaire selected.
  3. Order: next to each question enter the numerical order they should be listed in.
  4. Click Update Questions.

To DELETE Questions

Important Note: Deleting a question will not remove it from history. If responses are saved against the question, this information will stay in the history of the form in question. If the question to be removed is currently displayed, then the question will remain visible until the questionnaire is next updated, but users will not be able to add or change the responses to this question. 

On the Questionnaire Administration page, the title of the page will depend on what questionnaire you selected to update, there are four primary links; Add, Edit, Order and Delete links.

  1. Click on the Delete ­­­­(Name of questionnaire) Question link.
  2. Animal Type: click on the down arrow to select the type of animal this question applies to.  This may or may not be an available field depending on the questionnaire selected.
  3. Question Type: click on the down arrow to select the format the question should be.  See page 1 for examples of each.
  4. Click Delete Question.  Click OK.


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