Admin - Add, Edit, Delete Clinic Procedures


This process adds Additional Procedures used in the Costed Clinic  page. Only users with administrative access can process this function.

You require access to the Administration menu to process this function.

  • Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the Edit Drop Down Lists

To Add a procedure:

  • Locate the heading Clinic Procedures / Fees
  • Click on the Add link to add a new procedure. This will generate a popup window.
  • Name: enter the name of the procedure to be added to the system.
  • Fee: Enter the fee for the procedure*
    • *this process was mandatory prior to the creation of Products / Services. Even though fees are now tracked through the Products / Services module, this field is still mandatory. We recommend matching the fee to that entered later in the Cost Price field. 
  • Click Add Clinic Procedure. The popup window will disappear and the Products & Services popup will open. 
  • The Product / Service Name will already be entered by default, copying the name of the procedure. You may alter this if you wish.
  • Product Code: enter the product code, if one exists. 
  • Product Group: Click an option below this box to populate it. Although not mandatory, this step makes it easier to group and find items later.
  • This product is Active: make sure this box is ticked. It will be ticked by default. 
  • Add this product to: hold down the CTRL key and click all Physical Locations / Regions that the procedure is available at.
  • Click Update Product to proceed. 
  • On the resulting page, click the down arrow to select a Physical Location, then click Set Product Price.
  • On the following page, click all processes where the procedure may be available: Clinic and Animal Additional Products / Services are the usual selections.
  • Cost Price: Enter the cost price of the procedure 
  • Default GL CODE / Account: this is an auto-complete field. Start typing part of the code and the field will offer a drop down with options. Select from this drop down so the page recognises your choice. 
    • If a different GL Code is to be assigned depending on where the item is performed; you may add these below each process section. 
  • Click the Cascade to Price Levels button. This populates the page below.
  • Tax: Select a Display Price Tax and/or Post Display Price Tax as appropriate.
  • If all regions have the same settings and codes, click the Apply Changes to all regions selling this product box. Otherwise, you will need to repeat this process for each region.
  • Click Update Product to finish. 

To Edit a Clinic Procedure:

  • Locate the Clinic Procedure / Fees option
  • Click on the Edit link to edit an existing procedure. This will generate a popup window.
  • Clinic Procedure: click on the down arrow to select an existing Clinic Procedure to be edited. This will populate the next two text boxes.
  • New Clinic Procedure: Delete the existing text or overtype to enter the new/correct name of the Clinic Procedure
  • New Fee: Delete the existing text or overtype to enter the new/correct name of the Clinic Procedure fee.
  • Click Edit Clinic Procedure. The popup window will disappear.

To Delete a Clinic Procedure:

  • Locate the Clinic Procedure / Fees option
  • Click on the Delete link to delete an existing procedure. This will generate a popup window.
  • Clinic Procedure: click on the down arrow to select the Procedure to be deleted.
  • Click Delete Clinic Procedure.
  • Click The popup window will disappear.

NB: This does not remove the Product/Service associated with it. You will need to de-activate that in Products/Services. 

NB: Records that had a now deleted procedure associated with their file will continue to display the deleted procedure: the information is stored in history. You simply won't be able to assign it to new cases moving forwards. 

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