Agency/Council Report Overview List


Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.

Updated June 2017


Agency Billing - Animal Control (Report 430)
This is a detailed report of all animals that have come into a specific shelter from a specific jurisdiction. It will show all animals from the source of Agency Incoming, ACO Impound, Stray, DOA - Agency and DOA - Stray. You have the option of also showing Owner Surrender Animals, Wildlife, DOA - Wildlife or Returned animals. This report will show the found location of the animal and if the animal was reclaimed it will show the owner name and address.

Agency Incoming Detail Report (Report 219)
This report shows details for all animals that were linked to an agency when brought into the shelter.

  • The report runs off source history
  • Region is the physical location of the animal when it came in
  • Agency is the agency that the animal came in from
  • Date Range is the date the animal was entered into the system (from source history)
  • Source is the source the animal came in with
  • Animal type is the type of the animal

Agency (Council) Invoicing Check/Cheque (Report 256)
This report lists the jurisdiction, release fees, and license fees for all reclaimed animals brought in by an agency. For licenses to show animal record must have:

  • A license record
  • A status history of "Redeemed"
  • Brought in by an agency from the "go to agency" drop down list.

The date range is based on the status history date of the Redeemed status.

Agency Outgoing Detail Report (Report 218)
This report shows details for all animals that were linked to an agency when leaving the shelter.

  • The report runs off source history
  • Region is the physical location of the animal when it went out
  • Agency is the agency that the animal went to - leave blank to see all agencies
  • Date Range is the date the animal went out
  • Animal type is the type of the animal

Agency Outgoing Stats Summary (Report 273)
This report is for statistics of how many animals exited the shelter that was received by an agency/council. The Date range is based on the animals outgoing status history, the agency/council is based on the animals incoming history from source history and the region is based on the animals outgoing region.

Agency Statistics - Incoming By Circumstance (Report 217)
This report counts all animals that were linked to an agency when brought into the shelter. So it doesn’t distinguish between sources.

  • The report runs off source history
  • Region is the physical location of the animal when it came in
  • Agency is the agency that the animal came in from (via incoming agency)
  • Date Range is the date the animal was entered into the system (from source history)
  • The circumstances at the top of the report are the circumstances that the animal had when it came in (from source history)

Ambulance Hours (Report 247)
No description available.

Animal Control Officers Report (Report 457)
No description available

Animals Received From Public (Report 451)
This report shows details of animals which were brought in by members of the public residing in a contract council area.

Chip Report (Report 249)
No description.

Daily Record Of Council Impounds Detailed (Report 719)
This report is for agency/council billing. Animals are invoiced for a maximum of the number of days while they are in care.

  • The maximum days are entered on the invoice days field on the report generator.
  • The date range will be based on the date the animal was in care
  • The council filter is based on the incoming council/jurisdiction/shire (from the field on the animal details page)
  • The region will be based off the animals incoming region.
  • The sources will be the animals incoming source that it had while it was in care.
  • Days in care will only show up until the maximum, so if an animal was in care 10 days, it will show only 5 days as that’s the maximum billable days.
  • Registration # is the council registration/license number on the animal details page
  • Exclude animals that are still in care and have not yet reached their maximum invoiceable days. The animal is the property of the shelter when it exceeds the maximum invoiceable days. For example, When an animal comes in on the 24th of June and leaves on the 6th of July, and the report is run for June, the animal should not appear in the July report at all because it was included in June.
  • Exclude animals that were invocied previous month. An animal can only be invoiced once, if the animal was in care 2 days in one month, and then 3 days the following month, the animal will only be invoiced for 5 days in the following month. Ie. A pet can only show on the report once its reached its maximum invoicable days, or if it exits the shelter, which ever one comes first.

There is also a summary version of this report

Daily Record Of Council Impounds Summary (Report 720)
This report is for agency / council billing. Animals are invoiced for a maximum of the number of days while they are in care.

  • The maximum days are entered on the invoice days field on the report generator.
  • The date range will be based on the date the animal was in care
  • The council filter is based on the incoming council/jurisdiction/shire (from the field on the animal details page)
  • The region will be based off the animals incoming region.
  • The sources will be the animals incoming source that it had while it was in care.
  • Days in care will only show up until the maximum, so if an animal was in care 10 days, it will show only 5 days as that’s the maximum billable days.
  • Registration # is the council registration/license number on the animal details page
  • Exclude animals that are still in care and have not yet reached their maximum invoicable days. The animal is property of the shelter when it exceeds the maximum invoiceable days. For example, When an animal comes in on the 24th of June and leaves on the 6th of July, and the report is run for June, the animal should not appear in the July report at all because it was included in June.
  • Exclude animals that were invocied previous month. An animal can only be invoiced once, if the animal was in care 2 days in one month, and then 3 days the following month, the animal will only be invoiced for 5 days in the following month. Ie. A pet can only show on the report once its reached its maximum invoicable days, or if it exits the shelter, which ever one comes first.

There is also a detail version of this report

Disposal outcome by Council (Report 600)
To ascertain disposal outcome for all incoming animals by Council and public stray. Possible outcomes- adopted, reclaimed, euthanized. Also of outcome – number desexed vs entire

Outgoing Animals By Agency (Report 266)
No description available.

Released Animals (Report 248)
This report shows details of animals reclaimed/redeemed by specific agencies/councils. In includes licensing information (including exemption reasons), owner/guardian information and amounts allocated for these reclaims/redemptions.

Released Animals Export (Report 22)
This report is an export for the released animals report.

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