Setting a Person's file as Inactive


Flagging a person's file as "Inactive" will exclude them from mailing lists, and notify your users of other important information they may need to be aware of.

Once flagged as inactive, the file will display a bright yellow banner across the top of the page showing the reason it was made inactive and any notes entered into the Small Notes section of the Person Details page.  

To set up Inactive reason:

You will need access to Administration to perform this task.

  1. From the Welcome / Search page, click the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu.
  2. Find and click on the option Edit Drop Down Lists 
  3. From the resulting menu, locate the option Inactive Reasons and click the Add link beside it. 
    • Note: There are also options for Bequest Inactive ReasonsFoster Inactive Reasons, Wildlife Inactive Reasons and Volunteer Inactive Reasons so be sure to choose the right one!
  4. In the pop-up, enter the new Inactive Reason into the text box provided. Be sure to use correct case as no auto-case exists here. 
  5. Click Add Inactive Reason and the pop up will close. 
  6. Your new Inactive reason is now ready to use. 
  7. To Edit an existing Inactive Reason, click the Edit link instead and select the item to be edited from the drop-down, then type the new name into the New Inactive Reason text box. Click Edit Inactive Reason to save your changes.
  8. To Delete an existing Inactive Reason, click the Delete link, select the item to be removed from the drop-down box, then click Delete Inactive Reason.
    • Deleted Inactive Reasons remain visible on the Person Details pages they have been applied to prior to deletion, but they cannot be applied to new files. 

To apply the Inactive Reason to a Person Details page:

Anyone can make a person's file inactive. No special access is required. 

  1. Search for the Person to be set as inactive. 
  2. On the Person Details page, scroll down to the bottom section of the Person Details, where the Small Notes are found.
  3. Find the tick box marked Status Active and click on it to remove the tick.
  4. A drop down box will appear adjacent to this tick box: select the reason the file has been made inactive from the drop down.
  5. Enter any further relevant information into the Small Notes text box
  6. Click Update Details
  7. The page will save, then refresh and you will see the yellow banner at the top of the page with the inactive reason and any small notes. 
  8. The file is now inactive and will be excluded from mailing list reports. 

To reactivate the Person file after having been made Inactive, simply click on the box Status Active to re-apply the tick. The Inactive Reason drop-down box will disappear. Update the page to save and the file will be active once more. 


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