Reports are constantly being updated and changed for Shelter Buddy, so this list is subject to change without notice.
Updated June 2017
Account List (Report 703)
A simple report to export the financial accounts for review.
Adoption Deposit (Report 186)
A simple report detailing adoption deposits taken for unaltered pets within a date range. The report includes basic information on the animal and contact information for its new guardian.
Agency Billing Report (Report 321)
This report shows animals that entered care with a source of either Stray or Council within a date range selected, from within a selected jurisdiction.
- Jurisdiction is based on information entered on the Animal Details page
- Date range is from Source History
- Displays both in care and exited animals
- Includes Owner details for reclaimed/redeemed animals
Bank List (Report 301)
This report assists with banking by breaking up payment amounts within a batch or date range into Payment Types.
Bank List by GL Code (Report 323)
This report breaks up payment amounts within a batch or date range by the account codes each amount was assigned to.
Campaign Management by GL Code (Report 310)
A simple report that shows the number and value of donations accredited to each campaign within a date range by region.
Campaign Totals (Report 328)
This report shows the total amounts campaigns have generated within a date range, including how many donations were assigned to each campaign. It differs from 310 because it can be filtered by specific campaigns and amounts, but not by region.
Clinic Consultations (Reports 233)
A simple report that shows the total number of procedures, vet treatments, additional procedures, products and medications performed via the Costed Clinic module within a selected date range, how much these items have cost and how much tax was included.
Council Fee Reconciliation (Report 334)
This report is used to reconcile the reclaim/redemption, license/registration fees and other fees that have been collected at the time of an animal being reclaimed from either the Agency Incoming, ACO Impound or Stray PC. It will also show license fees which have either been purchased separately or at the time of adoption if these boxes have been checked to show when running the report.
Customer Service Income Report (Report 314)
Intended to be run daily, this report helps users balance out at the end of each day by showing how much money has been taken by receipt and account. It has a Detailed version (117) and an option to display a bar graph with the result.
Customer Service Income Report - By Day (Report 325)
This report shows financial transactions for every day within a data range selected.
Detailed Donations By GL Code (Report 629)
This report shows a more detailed version of Donations By GL Code report and is exportable in various formats. It includes ALL payments and is not limited to simply those marked as donations.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
*Note: if you have also selected Animal Type and/or other animal details to show as well as unchecking the Group Allocations by GL Code box, be aware that this will cause each individual allocation to display once per animal as well as once per line. Please take this into consideration when totalling your figures and adjust accordingly.
Donations By GL Code (Report 317)
This report shows details on all receipts within the parameters selected, not just donations. For a more detailed version, please use the Detailed Donations By GL Code report.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Euthanasia Payments (Report 234)
Deprecated report, used to track fees as assigned via Admin > Edit Drop Down Lists > Euthanasia Fees (no longer utilised)
Print Campaign Receipts (Report 363)
This report prints receipts for campaigns with their specific chosen template. If a receipt has a template selected on the receipt page that is different to the template selected for the campaign, then the selected template on the receipt page will be printed.
Products And Services Sold (Report 665)
This report shows products and services that appear on receipts during the date range for the receipt. This report is limited to products and services on receipt and does not include fees and any other charges that are outside of the products and services administration.
These fields are from the receipt:
- Product
- Quantity
- Price Level
- Price
- Line Item Total (note: if the product is a Set price regardless of quantity, the line item total is the price, otherwise it is the price * quantity)
- Receipt
- Receipt Date
- Region
- Location Sold From
- Animal ID
These fields are from the Product/Services Admin Setup:
- Product Code
- Product Group
- GL Code
- Account
Under Report Administration, you may set which optional fields are pre-set to show.
Receipt Changes (Report 214)
This report shows changes to payment amounts made after the receipt has been completed.
Receipt Integrity Report (Report 245)
This report looks for incomplete receipts, i.e. receipts that have no allocation and/or no receipt total. It uses colours to show you different things, e.g. missing information is shown in red, zero amounts are shown in orange and entered information that may be correct or not depending on the other columns are shown in black.
Receipt Summary (Report 318)
This report shows a summary of all receipts for a given date period, including the receipt date, the GL code, the amount, how the receipt was paid, and the user who processed the batch. The date period is required. Additional selection criteria are optional to give you more filtering selections.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Refunds Issued (Report 731)
This report will show all the refund receipts created in the system, the user that created, and the person that the refund was given to. The region filter is based on the receipt batch which was the region the user was logged in as when creating the receipt.
Refunds Not Yet Paid (Report 307)
This report finds receipts where a refund amount has been issued. Can be set to find all refunds or just those created via the Return Person Category
Return Animals Report (Report 312)
This report lists receipts where the purchase order has a value. The date range is based on the receipt date, and the region is based on the user's region that entered the receipt (from the receipt batch).
Taxable Clinic Items (Report 316)
This report shows items sold via the Costed Clinic module and totals it by numbers sold, pre-tax totals, tax totals, and totals.
Total By Cost Centre (Report 402)
This report shows details of payments received grouped by cost centre.
Group allocations by GL Code:
If this box is checked, a single record will be listed with the total amount allocated to that GL Code for that receipt.
If the box is unchecked, then if multiple allocations are made to the same GL Code within a single receipt, each allocation will be listed separately.
Total By G/L Code (Report 304)
This report simply totals amounts by account codes.
Total By Income Description (Report 303)
This report totals amounts by the descriptions assigned to account codes.
Total By Payment Type (Report 302)
This report displays totals for a date range by payment type, including subtotals per credit card types.
Unbalanced Receipts Report (Report 425)
This report lists receipts where the total of the receipt does not equal the sum of the allocations for the receipt.
Specifying a date range will get receipts that were created within that range.
Selecting a region filters on the region of the receipt batch.