Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.52 - 1-Oct-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.52
Pay Later Receipt Outstanding Amount Issue

Report 226 + List animals where due date out is less than or equal to this date (leave blank to ignore) causes kitty error with scheduled Reports

Dispatch Forms showing blank page when printing

New Hold system can't undo old holds

Regina Humane- API is no longer giving us access.

Post upgrade 4.51, Public sites experiencing issues with users unable to validate their email address or post pets

Fix spelling mistakes in Data Importer

Pickering - highlight mandatory field on license page

AnimalKind NY: Data Migration

Upgrade packages with vulnerabilities in VolBuddy

Add SbDbMaintenace database to all RDS instances

Help RSPCA Qld work out why they're getting a 500 error via Salseforce

Remove gap form feature as no customer has it enabled

Remove franklin county site

Cobb County - Set Up Power BI

Kennel Card Customization-Cobb County

City of Mobile Animal Shelter- Kennel Card Add MedBuddy QR

City of Mobile Animal Shelter- Print String Request

City of Mobile Animal Shelter- Print String Request

Animal Kind NY - Intakes

Animal Kind NY - Outcomes

Animal Kind NY - Treatments Completed

Animal Kind NY - Vaccines Administered

Animal Kind NY - Diagnostic Tests

Animal Kind NY - Procedures and Surgeries

Cobb County: Migrate person

As a user, if I have a report set to email me, I would like to know how long the link lasts

Sub-status not updating correctly from Put Animal On Hold page

Improve logging and error handling in Deployment Cleaner

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