Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.50 - 3-Sep-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.50
Maddie's Fund reports double-counting some records.

Unhandled exception processing "POST" for

error on kennel cards referencing incorrect result set

Bugs on that need fixing before go-live

Failed to geocode dispatch address: "Deagon Deviation, Deagon Deviation, DEAGON, 4017, Australia"

Kennel cards duplicating if Adoption fee has multiple allocations

Report 372 License Certificates not behaving as expected

digital signatures not working for animal hold

Migrate all Octopus deploy runbooks that are needed and used

Add "First Eval Category Assigned From Intake" field to Power BI

Animal Friends North Central West Virginia - Data Migration

Update MedBuddy android

Integrate with new home again api

Upgrade packages with vulnerability warnings from VS

Update report 265 to work as users expect

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