Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.48 - 6-Aug-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.48


Investigate duplicate appointments for scheduling


Deploy Power BI to release group instead of per tenant

AWS EBS volume should be encrypted

RSPCA ACT Require another data dump - by 30 July 2024

Maddie's Fund integration is now even easier for us to set up for you! Just ask if you want to join!

Mandatory Dispatch Fields for RSPCA Vic

RNZ SPCA Custom Mandatory Setting - Dispatch

It's now easier for us to change any report to email you a result, so it can pull the data in the background without slowing down your site. Just ask if there are any reports that you would like to use this feature!

Rollback AWS SDKpackages


Include ability to export to exel without formatting for report 272 Total Length of Stay

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