Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.46 - 9-Jul-2024



Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.46

Error creating volunteer buddy login for SLCO now corrected

Remove the Large space at the top of the Cat Behaviour Assessment Page for AWL SA

Report 287 no longer errors because its maximum length for identifiers is less than the acceptable character limit for Euth Reasons

deploy bank deposit UI on dev sites

Reports not emailing successfully are now corrected 

Errors in the Petfinder upload process - issue corrected


Petco's Love Lost Facial API > Changes

Adding indemnities to more receipts

Add option to display email on reports 25 and 7

SAFE ReHoming: Report 721 question - add option for email display

License Certificates Report Causing degraded performance warnings in seq. This has been replaced with Bulk Print Receipts, accessible via Receipts > Bulk Print Receipts. This new report works the same way as the old one, but it can be used for any kind of receipt, not just licenses. 

Site Cut Regional Center for Animal Care & Protection - ShelterBuddy Onboarding

Site Cut Austin Animal Center - ShelterBuddy Onboarding

Add Bite Quarantine status to Agency Incoming intakes

Site Cut Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center | City of Virginia Beach - ShelterBuddy Onboarding

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