Release notes - Shelter Buddy - Version 4.45 - 24-Jun-2024


Release notes - Shelter Buddy - 4.45

New Feature
Add option for Region Email in Site placeholders for Templated Documents

Add jurisdiction filter to Voucher Report (Report 657)


API overwriting email with blank

Person merge dispatch agency error - fixed

Return surrendered animal to owner: add statuses

Correct NECROPSY Status so it can be applied from Animal Details page

investigate background task cancelled errors

Animals being mysteriously excluded from report 241

Bank deposit errors when loading receipts

Issue changing dates on Boarding Bookings

Currently Available Dog not showing Animal Icons on Adoption site (time-sensitive issue)


Soc2: Investigate alternatives for Active Directory

Online Licensing: Investigate how a email change was not verified

Soc2: Investigate implementing RDS encryption at rest

CPU Utilization monitory for ec2 instances

Stop deploying background tasks window service to hosting servers

SPCA Bradley County request: remove the mandatory setting for cash drawer

Digital Signature Canvas for Foster document does not include Contract Text. This was happening because the Digital Signature Canvas could not determine which part of Templated Documents to show. This was resolved by having it show the whole document: users may now need to scroll down to see all the text. 

Remove the querystring from login.aspx links

Remove Franklin County public site

More changes for HAWS Kennel Card


Add sub-status to reports 670

Status History table - improve owner history

Add "IsAPIAccount" property to Seq logs

API Update: Foster data

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    Richard Burkett

    Much of this is vague. It's difficult to understand what you did. Did you resolve the list of bugs, or are you just stating them, or working on them?
    Improvements: how are these items in the list improving their object?
    Tasks: are they completed? In progress? or something else?

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