Using Multi-Factor Authorisation (MFA) for Admins


If you would like MFA set up for your site, please take the following steps: 

  1. Run report 243 User Details (excluding Deleted User) to confirm that all users have email addresses and that they are correct. 
    • NB: this is for Shelter Buddy users only. MFA does not affect logins to the Volunteer Modules e.g. Volunteer Buddy
  2. Confirm all users are aware of the email address linked to their SB login. 
  3. Confirm all users are able to access the relevant email platform on the same machine they are using to log in to Shelter Buddy, or that they can use a mobile device to retrieve the information. 
  4. Once enabled, new users cannot be created without a valid email address. 
  5. When you are ready, contact to enable this system for you.



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